Sipos János In the wake of Bartók in Anatolia 2.
1. Csip-csip csóka
2. Teknede hamur
3. Tüzet viszek, ne lássátok
4. Psst, psst boatman
5. Mély kútba tekintek
6. The water s trickling, dribbling
7. Fecskét látok
8. Opposite are the houses of Kurds
9. Komaasszony, komaasszony
10. The paths in the summer pastures run in rows
11. Jj, me nem tudom, melyikhez menjek
12. Nenni, nenni, nar tanesi
13. Bíró Sándor, galambom
14. Afshar lords, the mastzers of great renown
15. The mountains of Dagpazar are covered with oak woods
16. Her Hair is like kilim interlaced with silver
17.Fatma thinks of the mountains with sorrow
18. Anatolian dancing-song on kaval
19. Kelj fel gazda
20. Hungarian dancing-song on bagpipe
21. Anatolian dancing-song on sipsi
22. Dere, tepe düz olsa
23. Verje meg az Isten
24. My son is visiting Ayse
25. Tegnap a Gyimesben jártam
26. The one from Karabag is dying
27. Hull a könnyű a szememből
28. I am coming, I can not comehey son of the Arab
29. The yellow silk, Senem got dressed in
30. Kimentem a hegyre
31. Hey man, born to this world
32. Üröm, üröm, fehér üröm
33. A mérai nagy hegy alatt
34. To the gate of the barracks
35. Henna is being crushed in a golden bowl
36. Ni, hol menen három árva
37. Have the dates from Damascus benn sold out
38. Hungarian tune on pipe
39. My tall one was wrapped in a shroud
40. Fúvom az énekem
41.Just like the sea coming from deep
42. Bukovina, édes hazám
43. I returned from the remote place, I could not endure it
44. Köszönöm édesanyámnak
45. That day you descended with light, father