Zűrös Banda: 2021
It has been five years since the band released its first recording – which immediately appeared on World Music Charts Europe‘s top list. This year they had time to put another record together – the material for which had already ripened in concert and rehearsals. Zűrös Banda’s new album highlights arrangements of Hungarian folk songs, their own Hungarian language compositions keeping the Balkan connection and the virtuoso, heartfelt playing style, as well as the attention they pay to one another.
The band has written about themselves: “What was important when founding the band, besides our several years of friendship, was a common passion for Hungarian and modern Balkan music.”
The themes and melodies of folk songs (Hungarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Romanian) are performed according to style supported by a more modern rhythm section and sung mainly in Hungarian by Básits Branka.
Básits Branka - ének / vocal
Bede Péter - szaxofon, furulya / saxophone, wooden flute
Babcsán Bence - szaxofon, klarinét, furulya / saxophone, clarinet, wooden flute
Varga Kornél - gitár, vokál / guitar, vocal
Boros Attila - basszusgitár / bass guitar
Kertész Ákos - dob/drums
Lang János - hegedű/violin (3. 9.)
Fekete Márton „Kispuma” - brácsa/viola (4. 7.)
Eredics Dávid - bolgár kaval/Bulgarian kaval (8.)
Tóth Bagi Csaba - gitár/guitar (11.)
1. A Mérai hegytetőn/On the hilltop of Méra 4.44
2. Palatkai 4.13
3. Humphrey bolgár 3.50
4. Én Istenem adj egyet/Please give me one my God 5.41
5. Méhkeréki 4.45
6. Fenn a csillag/The star above 4.02
7. Moldír 3.03
8. Memento 4.47
9. Nyisd ki babám/Open the door my darling 4.41
10. Kako kolan 3.45
11. Bolgár outro/Bulgarian outro 5.01
Felvétel/recording: Budapest, Pannónia Stúdió, 2020. december 2-3.
Keverés, utómunkálatok/mixing, mastering: Tóth Bagi Csaba
Producer: Varga Kornél
Borító fotó/Cover photo: Sándor László ©
Zenekar fotó/Band photo: Barcsik Géza
Cover, nyomdai előkészítés/Pre printing : Kiss Dóra, Szilasi Marianne