2000Ft (6 EUR)

Methodical research on the dance began only in the 1940's, continuing in the 60's with the scientific studies of Gyorgy Martin, his colleagues and students.
Zoltan Kallos has played an important role in the collection of instrumental music of Kalotaszeg, who since the beginning of the 70's has been steering active musicians and dancers from the Hungarian and Transylvanian tanchaz movements to an interest in this area.
In earlier times there were musician family dynasties existing in many villages, who not only took care of the musical needs of their own villages, but of the entire surrounding area as well. The villages having these families were: Banfyhunyad, Gyalu, Magyarlona, Szucsag, Mera, Bogartelke, Magyargyerovasarhely, Kispetri and Varalmas. There were a few places, such as Inaktelke and Ture, where "peasant musicians" (that is, non-Gypsy) also learned this repertoire of music (played for dances and traditional celebrations). With the spread of popular music, interest and need for the traditional music in the villages of Kalotaszeg has decreased, thus in more recent years the number of gypsy musicians has decreased considerably or the musicians have retrained themselves to meet new musical needs.

1. Farsangi táncpár (csárdás és szapora) 3:33
Slow and quick couple dances for carnival.
2. Hajnali, csárdás és szapora románoknak 8:11
Dawn song, slow and quick dance for the Romanians
3. Istvánnapi köszöntők Felszegről 2:54
St.Stephen's day greeting from Felszeg
4. Verbunkosok 4:05
Verbunk (recruiting dance) music
5. Hajnali, csárdás és csingerálás a cigányoknak 9:22
Dawn song, slow and fast Gypsy couple dances
6. Váralmási magyar verbunk, legényes és szapora 5:15
Mens recruiting dance, legenyes, quick couple dance from Varalmas.
7. Karácsonyi kánták 3:24
Christmas carols
8. Felszegi keserves, hajnali, csárdás és szapora 8:23
Lament, dawn song, slow and quick couple dances from Felszeg
9. Román táncpár (învârtită rară şi iute) 6:59
Romanian couple dances
10. Hajnali énekek 7:52
Dawn songs
11. Tangó a zsidóknak 1:00
Jewish tango
12. Keserves, hajnali, csárdás és szapora 9:17
Lament, dawn song, slow and quick couple dances

Adatközlők / Musicians:
ZÁGOR Aladár „Pici” (sz. 1932, Váralmás), hegedű / violin
CILIKA Gyula (sz. 1958, Bogártelke), hegedű / violin
LŐRINCZ Albert „Ötvös Berci” (sz.1927, Váralmás) brácsa / viola
ÖTVÖS Sándor (sz. 1936, Váralmás) nagybőgő / double bass

A felvételek a Fonó Budai Zeneházban készültek 1997-ben.

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