FA 263-2
Bar code: 5998048526321
Total time:63:03
2600 Ft
2500 Ft (7 EUR)

Wednesday has always been the night of important dance house events at the Fonó. During the Utolsó Óra /Final Hour project every week's documentation work culminated with a concert and dance house on Wednesday night for the public.

Our goal here is to present some of the music that has been more important to the dance house movement - recorded live during a Wednesday dance house at the Fonó.

This recording features music of the Transylvanian villages Magyarszovat/ Suatu and Ördöngösfüzes/ Fizeșu Gherlii played by revival musicians. It was recorded live at the Fonó on May 4, 2011.

Gergely Agócs - voice
Péter Árendás - 3 stringed viola
Pál Havasréti - double bass
Viktória Havay - voice
István Horsa - violin
Gáspár Jékely 'Pikó' - violin
Zoltán Juhász - flute
Marianna Nyitrai - voice
Csaba Ökrös - violin
István Papp 'Gázsa' - violin
Levente Székely - violin
Judit Ábrahám, Johanna Orbán, Martina Szerencsés - vocal


1. Magyar tánc

2. Csete Árpád furulyás nótái

3. Egy pár tánc: öreges cigánytánc, cigánytánc és összerázás


4. Ritka és sűrű fogásolás

5. "Azt gondolod, te csipás" (furulya-song)

6. Lakodalmi muzsika: cigánytánc, csárdás és zsidótánc

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