FA 383-2
Bar code: 5998048538324
2016, Fonó
Total time: 64:66
2500Ft (7 EUR)

The  recordings on this CD made at the nursery school in Százcsávás between 1995 and1998.

1. Csárdás és szökős 3’10”
2. A Vén Kránci verbunkja 3’12”
3. Székely verbunk 7’20”
4. Énekelt asztali és csárdás 8’14”
5. Féloláhos 4’22”
6. Cigány asztali hallgató 6’31”
7. Cigány csárdás és szökő 4’48”
8. „Gyertek fúk, menjünk a kocsmába” 2’16”
9. Mahala 3’41”
10. Csárdás és szökő „szájból” 1’51”
11. Román hallgató 3’48”
12. De-a-purtat, ceardaş, hârtag 7’33”
13. Énekelt cigány csárdás 2’45”

Recordings made by: Z. Ágoston Bartha, Zoltán Szánthó; Assisted by: Ágnes Érdi, Nóra Kertész, Gusztáv Takács. Photos: Zoltán Szánthó, Csaba László (cover), Nóra Kertész, Géza Pénzes. Producer: Zoltán Szánthó; Executive producer: Horváth László; Design: Dóra Kiss

Jámbor István “Dumnezu” - first violin (1-8, 11-16), voice (8.)
Csányi Sándor “Cilika” – violin (1, 3, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16), “mouth bass” (10)
Mezei Levente “Leves” - hegedű (1-3, 7-9, 11-12, 14-16), “mouth violin”(10)
Mezei Ferenc “Csángáló” - viola (1-8, 11-16), “mouth viola” (10)
Jámbor Ferenc “Tocsila” – “mélyhúros” viola (3, 7-8, 15-16), primkontra (2),
“mouth viola”(10)
Csányi Mátyás “Mutis” – double bass (1-9, 11-16), “mouth bass” (10)

Lunka Erzsi “Ikola” –voice (13)
Erdős “Dádá” János - voice (4)
Mezei “Bendős” Ferenc - double bass (13)
Erdős “Csinga” István - voice (4)

The Fonó has released a new series from recordings of the Százcsávás Band. Three of four CDs in the series are re-releases: "Szászcsávás - Transylvanian Folk Music"; "Szászcsávás 3" from 1998; and "Live in Chicago" which was released in 2001 but recorded during the band’s 1998 tour. The fourth CD, "Szászcsávás 1990" contains recordings made on location in Százcsávás in 1990, released here for the first time. What makes these special is that the band members who later became world-famous play here, along with one who died young in the meantime and an elderly lead fiddler. The 1990 recordings show the band with a more raw and vigorous sound (than on later recordings after their international performances). Until then they had played mostly for weddings and traditional events without amplification. The CD series has been released with new covers and more photos. The Fonó plans to continue the series releasing more archive recordings of the Százcsávás Band.

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