Lakatos Róbert and the RÉV Band: Réveteg
Inspired by earlier theatre work, after five years we’ve made Rév Band’s fourth recording. Melodies from Hungarian National Theatre’s production of "Körhinta" and Fitos Dezső’s production "Pisztráng" can be heard here - which of course we’ve adjusted to fit Rév Band’s sound and image. There is also music we wanted to play in an especially authentic form - the first track for example, which is sort of an anthology of Slovak-Hungarian folk music. The most famous folk songs of Southern Slovakia are heard in a musical progression that traverses the entire area - starting with Bodrogköz in Eastern Slovakia, heading west through Abaújszina, on to Gömör, Vág–Garam-köz, Zoboralja, Mátyusföld, then arriving to the Csallóköz region [these are the Hungarin names for the regions S.F.].
"A tu more" is from the repertoire of a band named Giňovci that lived in the village of Kojatice in Eastern Slovakia in the 1960s. Their music is energetic and full of interesting harmonic solutions.
The track called "Gyerekekkel...” is from a jam session with our sons, to whom we lovingly pass on our knowledge of folk music. Rapszódia is my own composition in which we play Slovak songs from the regions where Bartók collected music - in the unique 1960s style.
We hope our music and the variety of music will speak to people anywhere in the world - who love music that comes from the heart.
Lakatos Róbert-hegedű/violin: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; brácsa/viola: 3, 7; ének/voice: 4
Korpás Éva-ének/voice: 1, 2, 6
Oláh Attila-ének/voice: 1, 4
Takács Ádam-hegedű/violin: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7
Kuti Sándor-cimbalom/cymbalom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Mester László-háromhúros brácsa/3 stringed viola: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Hanusz Zoltán-négyhúros brácsa/4 stringed viola: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Lelkes Tibor-nagybőgő/double bass: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Közreműködik /guests:
Csík János-ének/voice: 8
Lakatos Áron-hegedű/violin: 5
Lelkes Márton-harmonika/accordion: 5
1. Keletről-nyugatra /East to west (trad.)
2. Szelidecske /Little gentle one (trad. arr. Lakatos Róbert)
3. Robi legényesei/ Robi’s men’s dance tunes (Lakatos Róbert)
4. A tu more (trad.)
5. Gyerekekkel... /With the children (trad.)
6. Szvit /Suite (Lakatos Róbert)
7. Rapszódia (trad. arr. Lakatos Róbert)
8. Árva szívem /My lonely heart (Lakatos Róbert)