Pengetős Trió: An Evening by Us
The instruments are related to each other and are each well-known in their own right, however, the Trio’s repertoire is absolutely unique in that it offers a previously unknown consonance of the three.
The basis of Trio’s repertoire is authentic folk music, but they do not reject unusual instrumentation or other musical innovations either.
In addition to their exceptional talent and professional skills, their musical creativity rooted in their respect for traditions which allows for the creation of mature, unique sounds, have also played an important role in their success. Poetry, virtuosity, innovation and tradition are all characteristics of Pengetős Trio’s programmes. The Trio represented Hungary and Hungarian folk music at Euroradio Folk Festival (CZ, 2017), at Festa Ungherese (IT, 2017), at Musik der Völker Festival (A, 2018), Czech Music Crossroads – International Showcase Festival (CZ, 2019) and at Bratislava World Music Festival (SK, 2019) Their song, the Gergelyes, is featured on the Magyar Music Selection ’18 album of WOMEX. Following their successful application the Trio have been added to the Hungarian Heritage House’s international portfolio.
While the majority of our first album, An Evening by Us, has crystallized over years of live performances, certain songs are as old as the Trio itself and others were created specifically for this recording.
The repertoire is dominated by melodies typical of the regions where the three instruments enjoy popularity. While the zither is wellknown all across the Carpathianbasin, the tambura and the cobza are more region-specific. The cobza’s specialties are Moldavian and Bukovinian songs from the East while the tambura is used to bring Southern Slavic melodies to life. Historically these instruments would never have met in their natural habitat but we’ve created a new stage on which they can collaborate without losing their own unique style and personality.
1. Gergelyes 4’22
2. Kólók 3’42
3. Este nálunk 5’12
4. Kecskés 4’54
5. Guzsalyas 4’35
6. Régi-új táncok 3’53
7. Jaj 5’20
8. Nagyutcai szerelem 5’58
9. Virágom 4’30
10. Bukovinai házasélet 6’24
Total 48’50
citera, ének • zither, vocals
koboz • cobza
basszprím tambura, cselló tambura • alt and cello tambura
Közreműködő zenésztársak • Contributing musicians:
Boros-Guessous Majda Mária – ének, saz • vocals, saz
Boros Gerzson Dávid – doromb, darbuka, csörgő • Jew’s harp, darbuka, rattle
Csasznyi Imre – basszprím tambura, ének • alt tambura, vocals
Réti Benedek – harmonika • accordion
Zenei rendező • Musical director: Eredics Gábor
Hangmérnök • Sound engineer: Glaser Péter
Felvétel • Recording: Supersize Recording Studio, Törökbálint 2019.
Keverés és mastering • Mastering and mixing:
River House Studio Szigetszentmiklós, 2019.
Fotó • Photography: Váradi Levente (Lumidance)
Fordítás • Translation: Berta Viktor
Grafika • Graphics: Tóth Gábor
Kiadó: Fonó Budai Zeneház, www.fono.hu
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