Parno Graszt: Már nem szédülök / Rolling back
The record includes an arrangement of the Quimby tune “Sehol se talállak ” [Can’t find you anywhere] which the band did at the request of Petőfi Rádió’s Akusztik [Acoustic] program. Of course there are also arrangements of authentic Roma folk songs: Párnyi Lulugyi – Fehér virág [White flower]; Ki az urát nem szereti [Who doesn’t like her husband]; Shunén romálé – Halljátok cigányok [Listen Gypsies]. The record cover gladly recalls the Transylvanian Roma folk song “Bánat-bánat ” which inspired the arrangement they did in concert together with Cimbaliband.
No matter which track we play first, we get that genuine Parno atmosphere which doesn’t let up - and certainly accounts for all the full house concerts they play every year at home in Hungary and abroad - where they have shown thousands of people what a good Roma party is like!
OLÁH József - tambura,guitar, vocals
OLÁH János – double bass, vocals
OLÁH Viktor – guitar, vocals
OLÁH Krisztián – accordion, vocals
OLÁH Heléna – vocals
VÁRADI Mária – vocals
BALOGH Mária – vocals
JAKOCSKA János – guitar, vocals
HORVÁTH Sándor – spoons, vocals
NÉMETH István – churn, oral bass
HORVÁTH Zsolt Noé – guitar
HORVÁTH Pákó – cajon
GALYAS Zoltán – cymbalom
VÁRADI Zoltán – viola
SZILÁGYI Antal – fiddle
SZIROTA Jennifer – vocals
1. Kánák Dikháv voj khélél / Amikor táncolni látom
2. Amikor csak tehetem
3. Már nem sz.dül.k
4. Ki az urát nem szereti
5. Bánat-bánat
6. Sehol sem talállak
7. Másnak dalol az a madár
8. Párnyi lulugyi - Fehér virág
9. Nem gondoltam, hogy így járok
10. Betyár vagyok jól tudom
11. Madárka, madárka
12. Pálá o Shávo - A Fiam után
13. Shunén romálé - Halljátok cigányok
14. Áj Dévlálé - Jaj Istenem
15. Gelem, gelem - Mentem-mentem
16. Fekete tyúk
This record has been released with support from the NKA - Hungarian National Cultural Fund
Recorded at Pannonia Studio, Hungary
Budapest, April 2018. Edited and mastered at Pannonnia Studio
Recording engineer: RÉDLY Dénes, Musical editor: SALAMON Bea
Produced by LÁSZLÓ Sándor, Photo: ISTVÁNDI Botond
Design: Avalanche Kreatív Ügynökség, Baranyai Júlia
Published by Fonó Budai Zeneház, 2019