Paár Julcsi – Hangoló: Kerekerdő
Singer Paár Julcsi is well-known to Hungarian concert audiences as a member or guest performer with several folk and world music groups (Tárkány Művek, Bazseva, Dalinda, etc). Her name is associated with several internationally successful top-listed records. Her tone, her musical and performance professionalism and groundedness place these productions above the others. After her own children were born she began doing children’s interactive folk music programs steeped in a music therapy approach – she calls them “ ÖsszeHangoló ” (literal translation: aligning tool). After several years doing these children’s programs, the beautiful music and mothering experiences have ripened into an album. “ Kerekerdő ” is a story - a musical story, or storied music. The music follows the hero, describes the locations, the story line and of course the moral at the end. Paár Julcsi’s record sends a message to parents, and teachers: “We should not be afraid to expose our children to more things, high quality music makes them more receptive and accepted as human beings!“
1. Tekereg 2.44
2. Egyszer volt… 2.58
3. János úr 4.54
4. Úton 2.37
5. Boszorkányos 5.37
6. Vihar 3.46
7. Kesergő 3.11
8. Áj falusi csárda 5.01
9. Hajnalodó 2.08
10. A világ végén 2.36
11. Pokolba’ 3.33
12. Hazafelé 5.13
13. Boldogan éltek…4.38
Paár Julcsi - ének
Csernók Klára - hegedű, brácsa (5), ének (3)
Takács Ádám - hegedű
Szabó Dániel - cimbalom
Papp Endre - brácsák
Bognár András - nagybőgő
Bede Péter - kaval, szoprán szaxofon (5), tárogató (7, 8)
Könczei Bálint - harmónika
Tímár Sára - ének (5, 6, 13)
Orbán Johanna - ének (5, 6, 13)
Kiss B. Ádám - ének (7, 8, 13)
Ágoston Erzsi, Ballay Dorka, Fekete Ilus, Kárász Bodza, Kárász Hanga, Kopányi Kata - ének (2, 13)