FA 393-2
Bar code: 5998048539321
2016, Fonó
2500Ft (7 EUR)

Nana Vortex ’s music is the result of a search for their own path. Eclectic in that they don’t stick to just one style, and exploratory in that they don’t want to suggest that anything is concluded or closed. Their world is filtered through coherent, strong forms, and it is definitely their own.

The songs are based on and/or inspired by the work of Hungarian poets Dezső Kosztolányi and Attila József.

“…we immerse ourselves in the influences that the various genres have on one another; and the joy of musicians from such a variety of musical backgrounds thinking and creating something new and unique together”, says Attila Kaszap who wrote this music and whose path has taken him from authentic folk culture to world music, then onward into the province of jazz and blues.

What is special about this record is that it was recorded on the terrace of a press house in a vineyard in Hungary’s upper Balaton region. As one of the first Hungarian sound-video recordings, it experiments with creating the connection between the melody, landscape, images and texts.

1. Egy régi hang 4’12
2. Körforgásban 3’39
3. Éjfekete 4’45
4. Vadludak 4’38
5. Huszáros 3’16
6. Lassan hullik 5’27
7. Kopott ember 4’50
8. Ezüstrongy 4’57
9. Eszmélet 3’49
10. Ülni, állni, ölni, halni 6’28
11. A pusztába 3’46
Bonus Track – Előre 3’41

Dorotty Jéger - voice
Julianna Paár - voice
Atilla Kaszap - saxophone, viola, voice
Szabolcs Bíró "Maszkura“ – accordion, voice
Dániel Szabó - cymbalom
Gábor Boros – double bass
Attila Földesi - drum

Atilla Kaszap (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12)
Gábor Boros (2,3,5,7,8,9)
Szabolcs Bíró (10)

Emese Kaszap-Asztalos (1,3,5,6,7,8,9,11)
Dezső Kosztolányi (2)
Attila József (7, 10)
Szabolcs Bíró (4, 5)
Atilla Kaszap (Bonus Track)

Recorded live in May 2016 at Szentantalfa, Hungary

Recording, mixing, mastering: Márton Kopcsik
@ Bresaola Studios, Budapest
Cover photo: Atilla Kaszap • Cover design: Viktória Wührl
Photos: Gergő Vass, Péter Virág, Géza Galán
Graphics, layout: Dóra Kiss, Marianne Szilasi

Available downloads: