2000Ft (6 EUR)

In the Transylvanian peasant life of yore, the time between Christmas Eve and New Years (sometimes extending to the Epiphany, January 6th) was a time for resting and a reaffirmation of values; it was the most peaceful and spiritual time of the year. It was the time when people set down the burdens and problems of everyday life. They "dressed up" for the holidays both physically and spiritually. The houses, the stables and animals were also prepared for the holiday, it was a time for rejoicing, feasting, entertaining guests, visiting and having fun. During the day on Christmas Eve, the people were still cleaning house, cooking and baking. Holiday bread and yeasted cakes were baked in great outdoor ovens, stuffed cabbage waited in big wooden bowls covered with tea towels until it was time to break the strictly followed fast. After putting their surroundings in order, they cleaned themselves up as well and then decorated the Christmas tree. In some places, a "Bethlehem play" (a folk descendant of the nativity plays from the middle ages) heightened the holiday brilliance. Elsewhere, for example in the village of Mezôkölpény (Culpiu), they said religious "rigmust" (a rhymed chant) at midnight.

1. Köszöntő (Gerendkeresztúr)
Greeting (Grindeni)
2. Betlehem kis falujába'…(Buza)
In the little village of Bethlehem.... (Buza)
3. Colinda és bătută (Görgényoroszfalu)
Romanian carol and dance (Solovăstru)
4. Florile dalbe (Fehér virágja) (Alsójára)
His white flower (Iara de Jos)
5. Inaktelki kánta és szapora (Kolozs)
Carol and dance from Inucu
6. E becses éjszaka…(Sziágysámson)
The precious night... (Şamşud)
7. Cigány és magyar kánta (Jód, Máramaros)
Gypsy and Hungarian carol Ieud, Maramureş)
8. Elindult Szent József…(Gerendkeresztúr)
Saint Joseph set out.... (Grindeni)
9. Kánta (Péterlaka)
Carol (Petrilaca)
10. Elindult Szent József…(Mezőkölpény)
Saint Joseph set out.... (Culpiu)
11. Colinda (Mezőszopor)
Romanian carol (Soporu de Cîmpie)
12. Nem sajnálom fáradságom…(Ördöngősfüzes)
Romanian carol (Fizeşu Gherlii)
13. Mândră -i seara lui Crăciun…(Büszke Karácsony estéje…) (Mezőszopor)
Romanian carol (Soporu de Cîmpier)
14. Ustyen, ustyen, mo romále… (Szásztancs)
Wake up gipsies... (Tonciu)
15. Cigány kánta (Szászfenes)
Gypsy carol (Floreşti)
16. Zsidó chanuka – ének (Buza)
Jewish chaunukka – song (Buza)
17. Dimineaţa lui Crăciun…(Alsójára)
Christmas morning (Iara de Jos)
18. Úristennek fia… (Szék)
The son of God... (Sic)
19. Jézus, megváltó Istenünk…(Gyergyócsomafalva)
Jesus, our saving grace... (Ciumani)
20. Rigmus (Mezőkölpény)
Greeting (Culpiu)
21. Sok Szent István napokat…(Szék)
Many a Saint Stephen's day... (Sic)
22. István-köszöntők (Váralmás)
Greetings for Stephen (Almaşu)
23. Derül az égnek felvont, szép sátora…(Szilágysámson)
The sky is clearing beautifully... (Şamşud)
24. Sok Szent János napokat…(Ördöngősfüzes)
Many St. John's days...(Fizeşu Gherlii)
25. István-köszöntők (Nyárádselye)
Stephen's day greetings ((Şilea Nirajului)
26. Hajnal (Ádámos)
Dawn Song (Adămuş)
27. Ez napon mi megjelentünk…(Szék)
On this day we have arrived..... (Sic)
28. Újesztendő, lyukas kendő…(Szásztancs)
New Year, kerchief with a hole... (Toncin)
29. Névnapköszöntő (Péterlaka)
Name day greeting (Petrilaca)
30. Ez új idő, újesztendő…(Szék)
This is a new time, a new year... (Sic)

Válogatta / Selected by KELEMEN László

A felvételek a Fonó Budai Zeneházban készültek
Recorded at the Studios of Fonó Music Hall in 1997, 1998, 1999.

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