Muzsikás & Amadinda: Párhuzamok és kontrasztok [Parallels and contrasts]
For a long time these two Hungarian ensembles just took note of one another’s careers and successes, occasionally running into each other at festivals or in airports the world over. Finally Amadinda invited Muzsikás to join them for their 30th birthday concert, before which they met several times to rehearse. More performances together followed the success of the birthday concert. This recording was made on December 28th, 2017 at Muzsikás’ legendary Christmas concert in Budapest’s Palace of the Arts – to which they invited Amadinda. Now that the perfectionist post-production process typical of both bands is finished – you hold the record your hands.
“These two great, world famous ensembles both have cult-like status. Over the decades a fraternal relationship has developed between them, just like the numerous pulsating qualities, cultural similarities and identities behind the kinds of music they play. Culture itself is that revelation of people living together with a base of customs that crystallizes and magically makes the aura of the human-inhabited places on our planet livable. Getting in tune with what is natural, with the human environment, and with transcendent basic human needs: Muzsikás and Amadinda are amongst those working toward these three goals.
Over their long careers they have often strived to bring a common denominator to that which still belongs together, even when this deeply wounded world doesn’t want to acknowledge and support it. Music luckily is capable of connecting that which has fallen away, or has not yet come together and sometimes it turns out that the differences in form aren’t so far apart. (Don’t forget - Muzsikás is considered a folk music band – in perhaps a bit wider understanding of that; while Amadinda, a contemporary percussion ensemble)”. (Excerpt from the record cover)
1. Érkezés [Arrival] 02’33
2. Mkazi wa mulomo (Malawi) 02’11
3. Bodonkúti hajnali [Dawn song from Bodonkút] (Kalotaszeg, Transylvania) 03’17
4. Fang xilofonok [Fang xylophones] (Gabon) 04’25
5. Lassúcsárdás és szapora [Slow and fast csárdás] (Kalotaszeg, Transylvania) 03’03
6. Sirató [Lament] (Zimbabwe, Gyimes) 05’36
7. Improvisation (Mezőség region, Transylvania) 06’14
8. Otea (Tahiti) 06’47
9. Táncdallamok [Dance tunes] (Gyimes, Transylvania) 06’38
10. Búcsúzás [Farewell] 02’27
Total: 43’09
Éri Péter: shepherds flute (4, 9), viola (3, 5, 7), long flute (1, 10)
Hamar Dániel: double bass (3, 5, 7, 10), gardon (9)
Porteleki László: violin (5, 7, 9), bird calls (10)
Sipos Mihály: violin (1, 3, 5, 9, 10)
Bojtos Károly: African xylopones (2, 4), marimbula (6), Polynesian drum, wooden drum (8), Senegalese drum (9), bird calls (10)
Holló Aurél: Chinese temple bell (1, 10), African xylopones (2, 4), cabasa (6), Polynesian wooden drum (8), planks, clay crockery (9), sistrum (10)
Rácz Zoltán: claves (4), bell (6), Polynesian drum (8), Senegalese drum (9), Sulawesi bagpipe (10)
Váczi Zoltán: rattles (4), mbira (6), Polynesian drum, woooden drum (8), water jug (9), bird calls (10)
Farkas Zoltán: dance (6), gardon (9)
Tóth Ildikó: dance (6)
Recorded in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall at the Palace of the Arts (MUPA) in Budapest 2017 December 28.
Sound engineer: Matz Ádám. Post production: Főnix Stúdió, Bohus János, Jánossy Béla.
Works on this recording are traditional folk music melodies (2, 4, 6, 8), and folk music arrangements: Muzsikás (3, 5, 7, 9); Muzsikás and Amadinda (1, 10).
Trnaslation : Sue Foy