Lajkó Félix & VOLOSI
"You might ask, why take five superb string players, then add one more. Because the result is simply thrilling and keeps you on the edge of your seat. There are beautiful moments of tranquility and lyricism... It is super exciting. I had a sense of the awe audiences might have felt seeing Paganini in the 19th century. Yes, it was that exciting!" (Simon Broughton, Songlines Magazin, 2018)
What happens when one highly independent string phenomenon gets together with five other highly independent string playing phenomenons? Music on the highest level: unbelievable creativity, respect for each other’s eccentricities, tuning-in to one another, virtuosity – all based on an order that from the outside, is difficult to follow. This kind of cooperation can only be accomplished with decades of stage experience, endless self-awareness, technical knowledge and masterful musical creativity. Not a contest, but a common creation; not a competition, but an artistic friendship based on trust; a common language which is MUSIC in capital letters.
Felczak Records Series has released the Lajkó Félix - VOŁOSI album! They played together the first time in 2017 at Budapest Ritmo, then at Cross Culture Festival in Warsaw. In 2018 they did more concerts together in Hungary at the Palace of the Arts, Budapest Folk Fest and the Ozora and Vidor festivals; there were also many concerts outside of Hungary, including Eufonie Festival in Warsaw and the Nomus Festival in Slovakia.
Since they formed in 2010, the Polish VOŁOSI has won one award after another. Their concerts have been broadcast on BBC and several German public television stations. They opened WOMEX in 2017.
Liszt Prize recipient violinist and zither artist Lajkó Félix has played more concerts abroad than at home over the last years. Where ever he goes, whether playing solo or with other musicians, his concerts cannot be compared with anything else; they are lasting experiences. His recordings regularly show up on the ‘top lists’ and win all kinds of awards.
Supported by the Felczak Foundation.
1. Speedmotion (Lajkó Félix) 5.29
2. Side (Lajkó Félix) 5.59
3. Crawler (Stanisław Lasoń / Jan Kaczmarzyk) 2.04
4. Upside Down (Stanisław Lasoń) 3.12
5. From the Ditch (Lajkó Félix) 5.45
6. Valse (Lajkó Félix) 6.08
7. Downhill (Jan Kaczmarzyk) 1.54
8. Slowmotion (Lajkó Félix) 4.22
9. Pompeii (Lajkó Félix) 4.45
Lajkó Félix - violin
Krzysztof Lasoń - violin
Zbigniew Michałek - violin
Jan Kaczmarzyk - viola,
Stanisław Lasoń - cello
Robert Waszut - doublebass
Special thanks to Kuba Borysiak
Studio Pannon Studio
Recording Bresaola studio Márton Kopcsik, Gábor Nóniusz
Mix Tomek Kubisa
Photographer Michal Łuczak
Photographer Erdélyi Gábor
Print design Dóra Kiss
Fonó Budai Zeneház
Waclaw Felczak Alapítvány
Producer László Horváth
International Booking winkler.silvia@gmail.com