Lajkó Félix : Makovecz tour
Félix Lajkó is also interested in these questions - his music has already been in so many places - in concert halls, festivals, on small and large stages, on the street, on the roof, in the underpass, and in the church, lake and forest. And in the latter it sounded the best. Accoustically, at one with the forces of nature.
We have known for a long time that the forces of nature...can be found in the spaces of (the late Hungarian architect) Imre Makovecz. We have also known that Felix Lajokó's music could change Makovecz's unique, organic spaces - that melody and cupola would fit together beautifully.
In the spring of 2011 we visited nine Makovecz spaces.
This album is dedicated first of all to the memory of Imre Makovecz.
Félix Lajkó - violin, whistling
Antal Brasnyó - viola
A madárnak
A repülőnek
A gödörből
A földön
A bokorból
Az úton