FA 358-2
Bar code: 5998048535828
Total time: 57,21
3000Ft (9 EUR)

Two extraordinary artists reinterpret contemporary music and in the process make it accessible; while providing not only the psychologists but the music historians with a lot to ponder. How can ideas, emotions and images possibly come to life in two people at the same time? Here, we are talking about objective, verifiable simultaneity, as if these persons are somehow connected.

What emerges by the end of their common music making is an aura woven of harmonies that touches the very heart of every person in the audience. Félix Lajkó and János Balázs are both inimitable virtuosos - each on his own instrument.

Together they push the very limits of music and this is what makes their playing together so exciting and unpredictable. In 2013 the duo debuted in seven countries of Central and Eastern Europe as part of the Seven Towers Festival and during the Budapest Spring Festival at the Liszt Academy of Music.

János Balázs: At the age of 26 already the most celebrated Hungarian pianist, he has played in the foremost European concert halls,,toured in Japan four times and performs regularly in the US. In 2013 he was featured in the Rising Stars program organized by the European Concert Halls Organisation (ECHO). He is a devotee and follower of Georges Cziffra. He does master workshops in Hungary and abroad, and is the Head of the Classical Piano Department at the European Roma College of Music in Felsőörs, Hungary.

The Huffington Post on János Balázs: "By the time he played Liszt's „Hungarian Rhapsody,‟ I was undone. I was hearing this music for the first time in the spirit in which it was written. It was bold, maybe even arrogant, wild, elegant, and deeply passionate." (W. Hunter Roberts) www.balazsjanos.com

Félix Lajkó: The extraordinary violin and zither virtuoso performed at the 2012 WOMEX in Thessaloniki. In 2013, his first zither recording, “Mező” was voted number one on World Music Charts Europe.
He was the first Hungarian musician in a decade and a half to make the list. He was the cover story for the January 2013 issue of The Strad. "He composes music and draws on both classical and folk influences (…)

The intensity, fire and virtuosity is thrilling." (Songlines, 2012) “Hungarian violinist Félix Lajkó sounds like no one else.
A classically trained, folk-influenced improviser, his playing is fiery and virtuosic, but also lyrical" (The Strad, 2013 January)

The album is physically distributed worldwide by Hangvető, and it is available digitally at all platforms: ITunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer etc.

Képeslap (Postcard)

Jelszó (Password)

Végzetes terv   (Fatal Plan)

Parázs  (Embers)

Külön világ (Worlds Apart)

A madárnak (For the Bird)

Kétség (Doubt)

Fal (Wall)

Jég (Ice) (Hommage à Scriabin)

Falu (Village) (Hommage à Bartók)

Kék folt (Blue Spot)

Golyó (Ball)

Mérleg (Scale)

Kávé (Coffee)

Music: Féix Lajkó and János Balázs

Available downloads: