Kubinyi Júlia Autentico: The Heritage of Magyarlapád
There is an elemental power to the musical flow of Maros-Küküllő region. Its dynamic dance figures, heartbreaking laments, repetitive songs in archaic forms, and characteristic „pontozó” – special men’s solo dance from Transylvania – melodies are all precious in their noble simplicity.
Magyarlapád is a Hungarian village of barely one thousand, located in Fehér county of Transylvania, a few kilometers from Nagyenyed. Nurturing colorful Hungarian tradition in their daily lives, the residents of Magyarlapád have been able to preserve their identity. The region's folk music heritage is incredibly diverse, its songs did not fade into oblivion. Its simple harmonies, rhythm and vigorous style provide the instrumental music a unique character. We are fascinated by the archaic sound of the instruments, by melodies that inevitably stick in one's head, and by the particularly beautiful lyrics variations that musicians can combine liberally.
Our arrangements are based on recordings of songs performed by local people of Magyarlapád. We were inspired by the authentic performance of Mrs. Mária Papp Józsefné (née Kiss), Mrs. Margit Rettegi Árpádné (née Farkas), Márton Sipos, and Ferenc Szabó. We were also amazed by the instrumental music recorded by folk music collectors in the past sixty years. With this record, we would like to attempt to reveal to the listeners the treasure that we recognized as the heritage of Magyarlapád. – Júlia Kubinyi, Tamás Nyitrai
Kubinyi Júlia – voice
Nyitrai Tamás – violin
Danhauser Pál – three-stringed viola
Lelkes András – double bass, cello
1. Holdvilág / Moonlight
2. Maros partján / By the Maros Bank
3. Ballada / Ballad
4. Kezdőtánc / Opening Dance
5. Egyedül / Alone
6. Pontozók / Pontozók
7. A menyasszonyé / Song of the Bride
8. Cserjésig / (The music) Reaches out to the Bushes
9. Pár / Couple Dances
Recordings were made in Origó Studio, Hungary, 2021
Music editor: Kubinyi Júlia, Nyitrai Tamás
Sound engineer: Cserny Kálmán
Photography: Papp Kornél
Graphics: Kiss Dóra
Translation: Szokolay Anna, Editor: Csarnó Ella
Label: Fonó