Hungarian FolkEmbassy and Friends: Báthory–Balassi–Bem–Balatonboglár
On Hungarian–Polish Friendship in Folk Music and Early Music
Hungarian FolkEmbassy Band, led by Junior Prima award winning fiddler Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály, has represented Hungarian folk music and culture on four continents, and is now proud to present this document of an interesting and beautiful musical cooperation. This is Hungarian FolkEmbassy’s third recording.
This recording, released on Hungarian-Polish friendship day, was recorded in Budapest and Warsaw in the winter of 2019 - it is the 4th record of the Felczak Record Series . Previous releases in the series have featured: Lajkó Félix & Vołosi, Szent Efrém Men’s Choir, and Fekete-Kovács Kornél – Kuba Stankiewicz Duo.
The recording also features the early music group Musica Profana led by Andrejszki Judit, actors and guest musicians well-known from the Hungarian and Polish folk music scenes. The publication is further enhanced with dual language (Hungarian–Polish) record notes and photographs by Bézsenyi Zsolt taken during the rehearsals and recording sessions. This collection of Hungarian and Polish songs punctuated with texts from historical sources can be purchased at Fonó webbolt and through other distributors in both digital and hard copy.
“This record brings some outstanding events and personalities of the 1000 year Hungarian -Polish friendship to light through folk music and early music (with the help of Musica Profana). The arrangements stand not only as a memorial to historical events and personalities, but also demonstrate similarities of the musical sources, and the way Renaissance and Baroque culture and central European ideals evolved in the soul of the two folk cultures. Spreading the news of this community of spirit by every possible means is important because this is the way to guarantee that cooperation between the two nations will remain undisturbed by changing political winds. The sincere enthusiasm of all artists invited to participate in these collaborations attests to the vitality of this friendship. It is our hope that this record will help our generation continue the spirit of the 1848-1849 fight for common freedom also signified on the flag of the participating Polish legion.” - excerpt from the record notes. Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály - band leader/producer
The Felczak Record Series presents the friendship of Polish and Hungarian people through the most universal language: music. This friendship has roots in the historical past; it is nourished by common values and ways of thinking. It provides an example for all of Europe of how lasting friendships can be enriched with new content. Previous releases in this series: Szent Efrém Men’s Choir: Benedicamus; Fekete-Kovács Kornél – Kuba Stankiewicz: Bridges; Lajkó Félix & Vołosi.
Hungarian FolkEmbassy was founded with the primary goal of employing Hungarian folk music to help relay fundamental messages of Hungarian diplomacy. We think that the artistic experience can aid the acceptance of thoughts emphasized in conferences, press conferences and public announcements - and can help them become ‘public property’. One of these fundamental messages is Hungarian–Polish friendship. This is not simply a matter of common lots, or joint interests – rather it is true friendship felt between two nations.
1. „Atyáink Istene e kettőt egyesítse” – Folk song from Poland’s Kurpie region and Transylvanian tunes for escorting the bride honoring Báthory István and the marriages joining the Hungarian – Polish royal dynasties.
2. Balassi Bálint: Harminckettődik, Áldj meg minket, Úristen – Polish sung sermon * Chorea Pollonica (Lőcsei tabulatúrás)
3. „Przyjechał Jasieńko z dalekiej krainy” – a Polish folk ballad to melodies from Poland's Lublin region and Hungary.
4. Marcin Mielczewski: Canzona Prima à 2 * 3 Currant (Vietorisz-kódex)
5. „Mindvégig Veletek voltunk” – Folk music from Transylvania and soldier’s songs in honor of the Polish legionnaires of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution.
6. „Fel is van nyergelve, fel is kantározva…” – Folksongs from Kurpie (Poland) and Somogy County (Hungary) in memory of the Polish refugees taken in by Hungary in 1939 and of the Polish Secondary school that functioned in Balatonboglar in during WWII.
7. Hegyi népek muzsikája - music of the mountain people : Gorale, Gyimes
8. Wacław Felczak's favorite kolenda and a Christmas song from Transylvania’s Mezőség Region
9. Lengyelország Királynője, Magyarok Nagyasszonya - Jadwiga of Poland (Hungarian: Hedvig; 1374 – 1399)
Total time: 69,33 ‘
Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály – hegedű / violin (5, 8), második hegedű / second violin (1), magyar és lengyel próza / Hungarian and Polish prose (5)
Könczei Bálint – háromhúros brácsa / three stringed viola(1;5),
négyhúros brácsa / four stringed viola (1;5;7;8)
Jobbágy Bence – cimbalom /cymbalom (5;8)
Lakatos Dávid – bőgő / double bass (1;5;7;8)
A FolkEmbassy állandó közreműködői / With:
Kubinyi Júlia – ének / voice (1;5;9)
Bede Péter – tárogató (5), szaxofon / saxophone (8)
ifj. Szerényi Béla – tekerő / hurdy-gurdy (9)
Andrejszki Judit - ének, csembaló / voice, harpsichord
Kállay Katalin – blockflöte / recorder
Molnár Andrea – blockflöte / recorder
Lachegyi Róza – barokk hegedű / Baroque violin
Vitárius Piroska – barokk hegedű/ Baroque violin
Szabó Zsolt – viola da gamba
Szokos Augustin – orgona / organ
Közreműködők /Special guests:
Bognár Szilvia – ének / voice (1;8;9)
Navratil Andrea – ének / voice (1;6;8;9)
Nyitrai Tamás – hegedű / violin (1;7), második hegedű/ second violin (5)
Jacek Hałas – ének, tekerő/voice, hurdy-gurdy (3)
Juhász Zoltán – hosszúfurulya/ long flute(6), furulya / flute (9), duda/ bagpipe (9)
Juhász Dénes – furulya/ flute (6;8;9)
Gera Attila – gardon/ hit cello (7)
valamint / oraz / Recitations :
Zrinyi Gál Vince – magyar próza/ Hungarian prose(1;6)
Andrzej Mastalerz – lengyel próza/ Polish prose (1;6)
Song texts may be found on Hungarian FolkEmbassy and Philidor Intézet websites
Recorded in Budapest and Warsaw in the winter of 2019
hangmérnök/ sound engineer: Szabó Gábor, Fryderyk Szulgit (3)
keverés/ mixing: Szabó Gábor
lengyel fordítás/Polish translation: Daniel Warmuz
borító és kísérőfüzet grafika/ graphics, layout: Kálmán Luca
fotóphoto/ photo: Bézsenyi Zsolt
producers: Horváth László, Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály
Andrejszki Judit (2;4), Navratil Andrea (6;9), Jacek Hałas (3),
Nyitrai Tamás (1;7), Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály (5;8)
Ideas, project director: Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály
This recording has been supported by Hungarian Parliament President, the Hungarian Human Resources Ministry's support of the Wacław Felczak Foundation
Hungarian FolkEmbassy’s work is supported by: Philidor Intézet Nonprofit Kft., Fonó Music Hall’s Dancehouse Polish/Italian export office, Magyarország Barátai Alapítvány, Knack Cordial Folk Group (Hong Kong)
Producers: Horváth László, Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály
Fonó Budai Zeneház, 2019.