Herczku Ági & Band: Live at WOMEX Budapest
Ágnes Herczku introduced her album "Bandázom" to international promoters last October during WOMEX 2015 at Budapest's Palace of the Arts. Before that it had already made the WMCE World Music top list as well as Songlines' listeners list. A recording was made of that outstanding autumn concert. The WOMEX organizing committee made an unusual exception and agreed to its release. So we are especially pleased that the Ágnes Herczku - recent recipient of Hungary's Ferenc Liszt Award - and her band have released this recording, featuring the complete concert plus four brand new studio tracks. Mixing and instrumentation for the recording is the work of Nikola Parov,
The Band:
Fekete Márton “Kispuma” - kontra viola
Födő Sándor “Fodo” - percussions, accordion, piano
Hegedűs Máté “Kishega” - fiddle
Herczku Ágnes - vocal
Molnár Péter “Mojmoj” - double bass
Nikola Parov - guitars, fiddle, gadulka, bouzouki, kaval, duduk, vocal
Pálházi Bence “Pálesz” - fiddle
Special thanks to:
Paul Bräuer - Director of Communications at Piranha Arts / WOMEX
Roger Short - Producer at BBC Radio3
Accord World Music
Special guests:
Ferenczi György - harmonica
Kovács Ferenc “Öcsi” - trompet
All tracks arranged and composed by Nikola Parov.
All lyrics available at www.herczkuagnes.hu
Live concert:
1. G tempo 6.56
2. Stokaszmete 4.00
3. Rustyuluj 5.19
4. Se nem eső 8.37
5. Megfujtak azok a szelek 4.44
6. Ya stani, Telben szamar 6.43
Bonus studio tracks:
7. Forgatos – a Nikolae 3.46
8. A hamis szeki – a Nikolae 3.30
9. Halvany deja vu-t amott visz a szel 6.24
10. Szep sem vagyok, se nem jo 5.06
Total time: 55.33
Recorded at MUPA Budapest, October 2015 Live recording engineer – James Birtwistle Post production recordings – The Living Room Studio, January 2016
Mixing and mastering – Nikola Parov, January 2016
Produced by –Nikola Parov
Cover photo – Yannis Psathas – www.littleplanet.gr
Cover design – Dora Kiss
P +c 2016 Fono Budai Zenehaz – Fono Music Hall
H-1116 Budapest, Sztregova utca 3. Tel/Fax: +36 1 206-53-00
fono@fono.hu - www.fono.hu