Herczku Ági and the Banda: KAMARA
Beautiful Hungarian, Slovak, Croatian and Bulgarian songs – treasures from the pantries of this creative couple. Music even more colorful than usual from Nikola Parov, Herczku Ágnes and Banda with the addition of Bognár Szilvia’s ringing voice and the versatile violins of Kuczera Barbara and Vizeli Máté. Powerful string sound, dynamic and lyrical chamber music harmony, a Bulgarian - Hungarian ballad, the playful two language ‘cricket wedding’ – just a taste of the treats on this new Fonó release.
1. Eydebush 6’13
2. Csakalukkő 6’02
3. Izlele 5’48
4. Kumove 4’44
5. Boriazangoli – Foltin Jolán emlékére [in memory of Foltin Jolán] 5’30
6. Szávaacsendes 4’23
7. Parovac 2’
8. Zsipizsebkendő 7’34
9. Sznosti 2’40
10. Brmbrnatrnka 3’
Total time: 48’09
Herczku Ági (voice, gardon)
Fekete Márton (kontra)
Hegedűs Máté (violin)
Herédi Zsombor (accordion)
Nikola Parov (many instruments)
Molnár Péter (double bass)
Pálházi Bence (violin)
Bognár Szilvia (voice)
Kuczera Barbara (violin)
Vizeli Máté (viola, violin)
Music: Nikola Parov
Fotó/photo: Urbán Ádám
Nyomdai előkészítés/graphics, layout: Kiss Dóra, Szilasi Marianne
Recording, mixing, mastering: Nikola Parov, Living Room Studió, 2019