Second album of a legendary band.
"The atmosphere and music of our second album is more in-depth and philosophical than that of our previous one. It is at once thoughtful and conscious while incredibly free. Over the years an almost magical (emotional and musical) empathy has evolved between my collagues and I. In that blessed, creative climate it was easy to pour a time perpective into sound that is sometimes determined by thousands of years old musical tradition and inspiration, other times by the intonation of the old-old instruments, while on the other side stands 21st century man for whom we formulate our thoughts. I thank the Creator that this album could come to be." (Mihály Borbély)
01. Talpunk alatt / Under Our Feet (Borbély-Lukács-Dés)
02. Bájoló / Enchantment (Borbély-Lukács-Dés)
03. Zorall (Borbély M.)
04. A régi ajtó / The Old Door (Borbély-Lukács)
05. Kertek alatt / Side Streets (Dés A.)
06. Oda-vissza / Back and Forth (Borbély-Lukács-Dés)
07. Van Gogh imája / Van Gogh’s Prayer (Borbély M.)
08. Képzeli, hát szertelen / He Aspires, and Thus He's Wild (Borbély-Lukács-Dés)
09. Aura (Lukács M.)
10. Furcsa páros / Odd Couple (Borbély-Dés)
11. Hosszú út / Long Road (Borbély M.)
12. Hess! / Shoo! (Borbély-Lukács-Dés)
Borbély Mihály - fúvós hangszerek / woodwinds
soprano sax (6, 11), alto sax (3), tenor sax (7), tárogató (1, 4, 8), clarinet (9),
bass clarinet (5, 10), dvojnice (2, 12), tilinkó (2, 12)
Lukács Miklós - cimbalom
Dés András - ütőhangszerek / percussion
Recorded at Pannonia Studio, Budapest., January 24-26, 2022. Recorded mixed and mastered by Márton Kopcsik, Band photo: Robert Bácsi, Cover: Dóra Kiss, Pre press: Marianne Szilasi, Producer: László Horváth, 2022 Fonó