The six-member Coltrane Legacy formation was started in 2017 - on the 50th anniversary of Coltrane's death - by bassist Orbán György, one of the most sought-after musicians on the Hungarian jazz scene
In the decade and a half before his death in 1967, Coltrane put modern jazz on a new footing. Going toward ever deeper spiritual dimensions in his work, he created a musical heritage that has since influenced generations of musicians. Orbán György, a Hungarian bass player who has played in many, many formations, thought that Coltrane's heritage could best be nurtured by creating a band that played both their own compositions inspired by Coltrane's music, and new arrangements of Coltrane themes. The new compositions, of course, start out from the Coltrane tradition, then carry on with today’s abstract spirituality and devices, thus continuing the spiritual jazz tradition in our own time. The band members are all outstanding personalities from Hungarian jazz life whose progressive thinking and special musicianship allow them to work together as a band with an unbroken spirit of creativity for the fifth year in a row.
"Naturally the compositions start out from Coltrane traditions; we rethink them then carry on with today’s tools and abstract spirituality. In this way we continue the tradition of spiritual jazz. The band has been working creatively together for five years now.” (Orbán György)
Soso Lakatos, Sándor – alto saxophone
Molnár, Sándor – tenor saxophone
ifj. Oláh, Kálmán - saxophone
Oláh, Krisztián - piano
Orbán, György – double bass
Lakatos Pecek, András - drum
- India-Liberia (John Coltrane) 19.58
2. Nairobi (Orbán György) 07.42
3. San-Yi-Ka (Oláh Krisztián) 07.14
4. Naima (John Coltrane) 08.49
5. Brasilia (John Coltrane) 11.33
6. The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (Buddy Bernier, Jerry Brainin) 06.26
Recorded 2022 at Fonó Studio, instrumentation: Oláh Krisztián, Mixed and mastered: Kopcsik Márton, Szabó Gábor, Photo: Miti. Cover: Kiss Dóra, Pre-print: Szilasi Marianne