„’My Csép’ is an idea I have been nurturing for some time. I wanted to express my respect and commitment to the Serbian community, to my ancestors, to show who I am, where I came from and where my roots are.” (Branka)
Branka Básits is a musician of Hungarian-Serbian origin. A vibrant, colorful personality and singer. She sings on stage with tremendous passion and strength, yet is capable of soft and delicate sounds that reach even the toughest of hearts. The singer's father is Serbian and his mother is Hungarian, so she grew up in a cultural environment that embraces these two traditions. Unsurprisingly, this duality later had great impact not only on her everyday life but on her entire musical world, it became her main inspiration, her artistic driving force.
„The events leading to this record go back a ways. Between 2008 and 2015 I did folk music collection work among Serbian speaking residents in my native village of Szigetcsép (Hungary). My diploma project at the Hungarian Academy of Music summarized the results of this collecion work. Because my Serbian roots, my beautiful childhood memories and my curiosity about the past have always been important to me, I began to think about bringing these collected folk song treasures to life and incorporating them into my own music.” (Branka)
- Udovičin žal | Özvegyasszony panasza | Widow’s plaint 2.51
2. Jahorina planina | Jahorina-hegy | Jahorina mountain 4.37
3. Jovanova balada | Jován balladája | Ballad of Jovan 8.54
4. Momče i devojče | Legény és leány | Led and maiden 4.52
5. Drvo najbolje | A legjobb fa | The best tree 4.44
6. Majski cvet | Májusi virág | Flower of May 3.51
7. Đurđevska kišica | Szent György-napi esőcske | Rain of St. George’s Day 4.56
8. Sedamdeset i dva dana | Hetvenkét nap | Seventy-two days 2.57
9. Livada | Rét | Meadow 4.49
10. Viju vetri | Szelek kavarognak | Drifting winds 3.00
Total: 45.52
BÁSITS Branka vocal (1-10)
WERTETICS Szlobodan accordion (1-9)
GYÖRGY Mihály string instruments (3,10) bass guitar (2)
BABCSÁN Bence wind intsruments (2,3,5,8,9) kontra tambura (7)
RODEK Krisztián tambura (7), alto tambura (3,8), darbuka (9)
GERA Attila kaval (3,6)
SZIRTES Edina ’Mókus’ violin (4,5)
BOROS Attila bass guitar (3-9)
Ifj. GYÖRGY Mihály tapan (3-9)
Special guest:
KERTÉSZ Ákos percussion (10)
Supported by. NKA Halmos Béla Program, Recorded at Pannónia Stúdió, Mastering, mixing: TÓTH BAGI Csaba, Cover artwork: FRANK JÓZSA Anna, Layout: KISS Dóra, SZILASI Marianne