FA 404-2
Fonó, 2017
Bar code: 5998048540426
2500Ft (7 EUR)

Esszencia is a unique formation on the Hungarian music scene. Its members are all independently accomplished performers and musicians in folk music, jazz and classical music. Esszencia cannot be compared with other bands that play folk music, since their aim is to blend classical music and jazz with a vocabulary of folk music motifs unique in the world. The ensemble presents their unusual blend of three musical styles and new world of sound. Authentic folk music of various ethnic groups that inhabit the Carpathian Basin, excerpts from Bach or Bartók works, spiced with folk music based jazz is what can be heard during their concerts. This formation is already known from their concerts and festival appearances – their first recording is a Fonó release.

“I would like for Esszencia’s music to inspire young musicians to explore the beauty of folk, classical music or jazz and bravely use them to create their own music” – Lakatos Róbert

Lakatos Róbert – music director , violin, viola
Balogh Kálmán – cymbalom
Kacsó Hanga Borbála – voice
Kováts Gergő – tenor and soprano sax
Kunos Tamás – viola
Bognár András – double bass
Csík János – founder and guest: voice, violin

1. Késő ősszel (10’10”) (music: Lakatos Róbert, lyrics, trad.-arr: Csík János)
2. Úton (6’24) (music: Lakatos Róbert, lyrics, trad.)
3. Feledd el mulatságaid (8’21”) (music: Lakatos Róbert, Csík János; lyrics trad – arr: Kacsó Hanga)
4. Menuetto (0’48”) (music: Bartók Béla)
5. Minuetto (7’36) (music: Lakatos Róbert, lyrics, trad)
6. Erdélyi tánc (1’46”) (music: Bartók Béla)
7. Sír az út előtte, (4’45”) (music: trad-arr.: Kacsó Hanga, Balogh Kálmán, lyrics: trad)
8. A szeretőm olyan szent volt... (5’40”) (music: Kováts Gergő, lyrics: trad)
9. Elindultunk a nagy útra (5’35”) (music: Lakatos Róbert, lyrics, trad)
10. Air (4’14”) (music: J. S. Bach – arr: Lakatos Róbert)
11. Déjá vu (4’01”) (music: Lakatos Róbert, lyrics: Paár Julianna

Music director: Lakatos Róbert. Recorded at Híd Média Barázda studio in the fall of 2017. Sound engineer: Dióssy Ákos. Cover design: Borz Alexandra. Layout: Lerch Péter.
2017 Fonó

Available downloads: