Sarjú Band: Our Favorites
These young musicians made their debut in 2015 at the “Fölszállott a Páva” Hungarian Television Talent competition. While they competed individually, behind the scenes started making music together. They became close friendship and with the support of their families and their artistic director, Barbara Kuczera, a new band was born. The following year they entered the same competition as a band, naming it “Sarjú”, which means descendant, offspring, or shoots re-emerging from roots.
The mission of the band is to study, preserve, and promote authentic Hungarian instrumental folk music. They study from the masters with joy and respect, traditional musicians, and keep it alive on stage and in dance houses.
“It’s impossible to describe briefly, but I’ll try: I’m the most fortunate person in the world! I would like to thank Kálmán Magyar Sr., who was the spark behind the band’s formation and name, for his unconditional love and trust. I am grateful for the support of the parents and teachers, whose heart and soul is vested in these young talents. All I have to do is listen to my favorite tunes from my favorites! ” (Barbara Kuczera Artistic Director of Sarjú Band)
“It’s a strange feeling to work with these “Wonder Kids” and play music with them. When I listen to them, I hear a well-seasoned, well-formed and connected, mature band. But when I open my eyes, to my astonishment, I see a half-dozen teenagers. Perhaps it is thanks to them that I can finally feel that the last 40 years were not spent in vain. The countless field trips to meet with the many-many “great old giants” of folk music has all been worth it in the name of preserving our amazing Hungarian instrumental folk music heritage, for ourselves and for posterity. The new generation is on the horizon for whom tradition, respect and pride in their hungarian identity and their willingness to show it all fits with their 21st century life. Thank you Sarjú! ” (Beáta Salamon
2015 Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, eMeRTon winner for folkmusician, folk violin teacher, performer, leader of the Méta Folk Music Ensemble)
1. Lacikáé -„Árus” (Kalotaszeg)………………………….”10:41”
2. Nagy utazás (Bogyiszló-Felcsík)……………………...”11:17”
3. Bonchida kétszer (Bonchida)…………………………..”17:07”
4. Muzsikaszó Felvidékről (Gömör-Abaújszina)…..”10:13”
5. Falutól a Gáztetőig (Ádámos-Szászcsávás)………”15:13”
Recorded at Barázda Stúdió 2020-2021.
Sound Engineer / Dióssy Ákos
Musical Director / Salamon Beáta
Artistic Director / Kuczera Barbara
Graphic Designer / Kiss Dóra
Photographer / Falus Kriszta (Volver Photostudio)
English translation / Magyar Judit, Johnson Julie
Project Manager / Ildikó Hajdu-Németh
Logo Designer / Id. László Hajdu-Németh
Many thanks / Herczku Ágnes,” Fekete Márton „Kispuma”, Horváth Attila, Kovács Márton, Mihó Attila