Kubinyi Júlia - Szokolay Dongó Balázs - Zimber Ferenc: Rustico
The wind instruments used in traditional Hungarian folk music, along with the virtuosity of the hammered dulcimer, bring about a new and playful version of the melodies born in the Carpathian Basin. In their arrangements, the music of Székelyföld, Moldva, Mezőség, Nyitra and the Somogy regions are brought to light.
Kubinyi Júlia – vocals
Zimber Ferenc – hammered dulcimer
Szokolay Dongó Balázs – shepherd’s flute, kaval, bagpipe, long flute
Júlia Kubinyi is a folk singer, who has received Hungary’s title of ‘Young Master of Folk Arts’ in 2012; then the Junior Prima award in 2013. Many people know her as one of the finalists in the 2012 Páva Folk Talent Contest which was broadcasted on the Hungarian National Television. Hungarian folk music and folk dance have been part of her everyday life since childhood. She has contributed her vocal talents to numerous recordings, Hungarian folk song competitions, and local and international festivals in Europe and overseas. Since 2008, she is the dedicated singer of Dűvő Ensemble, however she sings regularly as a guest artist with numerous Hungarian folk music formations. Since 2013 she is regularly seen as a solo singer in the Hungarian State Folk Enseble. In 2015 her own vocal works came to the forefront with her first solo recording: „Magam járom – On my way. „
Balázs Dongó Szokolay plays folk music and folk-music-inspired improvisations on bagpipe, shepherd's flute and saxophone. His folk music arrangements and compositions were initially inspired by the elaborate study of the Carpathian Basin’s folklore. He later developed his own improvisational music style that carries the musical culture of old times but sounds modern and contemporary at the same time. Since 1990, Dongó has regularly appeared in the Hungarian music scene as a folk musician. Throughout the years, his hard work and ambition has had a great impact on how he expresses himself through the improvisational forms of historical and folk music. In 1994 he was awarded the title of ”Young Master of the Folk Arts”. In 2005, he was received the Artisjus prize and in 2016, he was awarded the Prima prize. He plays the shepherd's flute, bagpipe, soprano saxophone and a special Hungarian woodwind instrument called ”tárogató”.
The Junior Prima award winner Ferenc Zimber is currently a professional musician at the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble. At the age of eight, he began his musical education on the hammered dulcimer under the guidance of Tamás Petrovics in Székesfehérvár. Later he continued his musical studies at the Tibor Pikéthy Conservatory of Music in Vác, then at the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy as a pupil of Kálmán Balogh. He is a regular contributor to many authentic Hungarian folk music and world music ensembles. In 2009, along with the members of the Fondor Ensemble, they were awarded the title of “Young Masters of the Folk Arts” and together with the Buda Folk Band, came second place in 2014 on the World Music Charts Europe for their international success with their “Hungarian World Folk Music” album.
1. Napom, napom - székelyföldi dallamok 6’22”
Plead to the Sun - melodies from Székelyföld
2. Jókedvvel - székelyföldi dallamok 8’22”
Merrily - melodies from Székelyföld
3. Míg a világ - magyarszováti dallamok 6’55”
Till the end of days - melodies from Magyarszovát
4. Adja Isten jóra - moldvai dallamok 11’46”
May the Lord be gracious unto me - melodies from Moldva
5. Estéji csillagok - nyitrai dallamok 6’24”
Evening stars - melodies from Nyitra
6. Szép csendesen - visai dallamok 3’45”
Nice and quietly - melodies from Visa
7. Elválás - bözödi dallamok 7’08”
Separation - melodies from Bözöd
8. Páva volnék - somogyi dallamok 7’10”
If I were a peacock - melodies from Somogy
9. E kertemben - moldvai inspiráció 4’08”
In my garden - inspired by music of Moldva
Total: 62’06”
The album was recorded in the Fonó Music Hall (Kultúrpart and Bresaola studios) in 2017. The album was made with the support of the Hungarian National Cultural Fund's Béla Halmos Program. Sound engineer: Kopcsik Márton, Photos: Bánhelyi József Zoltán, Graphics: Lányi Ádám, Translation: Faragó-Thököly Márton, Publisher: Fonó Budai Zeneház