Paár Julcsi Hangoló: Kerekutca
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I am a child again, lying on the grass in the garden I grew up in. The blades of grass tickle me. The smell of flowers is all round. The street is noisy, but it only hums quietly at the back of my neck. I watch the wind blowing the clouds high above. It feels good to get a little dizzy with them. Nothing in particular is going on, since I’m not doing anything. But still I feel a calming hum in every pore…as life flows within me. I exist.
The pictures that appear in our imagination are built of millions of slivers of truth that combine to make the whole. Memories, feelings and emotions color our inner pictures. Of course they often seem far away and unattainable, but they carry pieces of the truth. I also received the crumbs of memory, slivers of life, a multitude of fragments of emotion in dozens of stories and tales colored brightly by my grandmother and my mother. I try to pass these on to my own children. Every experience and memory is embedded in us and stories are woven around them. This is how we get the stories and carry them, so that we can pass them on.
The characters in “Kerekutca” have been formed from little pieces of reality. They are varied, they are real. Some are odd, some are wise, some are afraid, some are fearless. But in one way they are all the same: they are all following their own path, they dare to look around themselves, and dare to get to know one another. They dare to see the world as a whole and live life to the fullest.
Ébresztgető /Waking up 04:25
Fehér liliomszál /White lily 03:22
A bolt /The store 04:27
Kétféle menyasszony /Two kinds of brides 04:45
Mély a Duna /The Danube is deep 02:10
Széles a Duna /The Danube is wide 03:23
Legényvásár /Boys for sale 04:40
Búcsúkeringő / Farewell waltz 05:39
Vonaton /On the train 03:56
Guminèni /Rubber woman 01:28
Leánybál /Girls ball 01:47
Az Öreg /The old person 04:39
Keserves /Lament 03:03
Fonóban /At the spinning bee 03:54
Gyertek fiúk! / Let’s go boys! 04:38
Csernók Klára – violin
Takács Ádám – violin
Papp Endre - viola
Szabó Dániel - cymbalom
Bede Péter - winds
Bognár András – double bass, cello
Könczei Bálint – viola
Kiss B. Ádám – voice
Nádasdy Fanni – voice
Tímár Sára - voice
Students of the Biatorbágy folk singing workshop - voice
A felvételek 2021 februárjában a Pannónia Stúdióban készültek/Recorded at Pannónia Studio in February 2021.
Felvétel, hang utómunka és mastering/ Sound engineer: Mohai György
Zenei rendező/Music director: Paár Julianna
A lemez elkészülését Biatorbágy Város Önkormányzata támogatta/This recording received support from the city of Biatorbágy, Hungary.