Fonó, 2017
2500Ft (7 EUR)

Kalász Máté’s first recording was inspired by personal experiences: the musicality of traditional fiddler Micu from the Transylvanian village of Buza, Róka Szabolcs’s cobza playing, Halmos Attila’s collection work in the Szatmár region, the music of the legendary Palatka Band and the playing of Ádám István “Icsán” the great fiddler of Szék/Sic. Nourished by those traditions Kalász Máté plays freely, relying on his own fantasy. The recording was made in May of 2017 in the Lehmann wine cellar in Dúzs, Hungary.

“Folk music is a marvel that has always been in motion and shall remain in motion. That’s why I don’t like it when invariable facts and values are attached to it. I’d be glad if everyone could take part in this marvel freely, relying on one’s own fantasy, under the least amount of influence. Anyone who knows me knows that any opinion I have formulated on folk music, always begins with, “in my opinion”. In my opinion we still don’t know our folk culture, but that isn’t necessarily a problem. However we should definitely endeavor to be faithful to its unknown profundities. ” (Kalász Máté)

Paár Julianna – voice (1)
Kalász Máté – violin (1-8)
Kaszap Atilla – viola, 3 and 4 stringed kontra (1, 3-8)
Bognár András – double bass, bass (1, 3-7)
Halmos Attila – violin, voice (3, 4, 6)
Fekete Antal 'Puma' - 3 stringed kontra (7)
Róka Szabolcs – coboz (2)
Szabó Dániel - cymbalom (3, 4)
Hajdú Flórián, Juhász Sándor, Gyurka Gergely – dance (6)

1. Udvarom, udvarom (Buza) 12.05
2. Kobza és hegedű (Moldva) 9.08
3. De sok falut, de sok várost... (Szatmár) 6.26
4. Csárdás és ugrós (Kisar) 5.31
5. Sajói (Sajó mente) 7.32
6. Sohase vétettem... (Szék) 11.26
7. Dojna, csárdás és szökős (Magyarpalatka) 12.36
8. Nincsen rózsa...(Buza) 3.14

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