Góbé: ZENG
Vizeli Máté: violas, kobza, guitar, backup vocals
Csasznyi Imre: bassprimetambura, lead vocal
Rigó Márton: violin, backup vocals
Egervári Mátyás: dulcimer, harmonising tambura, flutes, bagpipes
Czupi Áron: drum set, percussion, backup vocals
Timár Márton: double bass
Artists of the Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra: Szabó Tamás, Szabó Gábor - violin; Modrián Ildikó - viola; Stoll Péter – cello
1. Idegen/ Stranger
2. Mayer
3. Mohács
4. Semmi / Nothing
5. Honvédtüzér / Infantry man
6. Búcsú / Farewell
7. Indulj el / Go forth
8. Kapitány úr / Captain
9. Keserű víz / Bitter water
10. Fekete –fehér / Black and white
11. Bartók Béla
12. Zsuzsika / Susie
The recordings are made in LA Gardens Studio by Róbert Maczkó and in Rolebo Studio by Levente Bors Rossa.
Special thanks to our families, friends and audience for all the support, to Farkas Béla for his painstaking efforts, to Balogh Kálmán and Moldván Zsolt for the instruments, and last but not least, to You, holding this record in your hand.
Produced, mixed and mastered by Maczkó Róbert
Graphic design: Goór Attila
Translation: Mátyás Éva