Fonó, 2018
FA 418-2
Bar code: 5998048541829
3000Ft (9 EUR)

Fonó is proud to release Fokos Band’s second record. The ensemble is playing abroad more and more - the fall of 2018 has seen them playing a concert in Boston and doing a European concert tour. Their goal is to introduce Hungarian folk music - and especially the tambura music of the southern Hungarian plains region - in the widest circles possible. They want to continue learning, improving and playing music, and to bring the message of folk music to as many people as possible – especially to the young people who will be able to carry it on!

1.Mert Budavár az uraké... (Somogy, Hungary) 5:46
2. Mer’ én Csizmadiát szeretek... (couple dances from Bácska-Danube region) 3:16
3. Bánod, bíró... (men’s dance, couple dances from Rábaköz Region, Hungary) 4:54
4. Jaj, de huncut legény vagy! (Dances of Mezőkölpény/Culpiu, Romania) 6:08
5. Coffee house tambura music in memory of Balázs Janika 7:57
6. Horthy-nóták (Soldier’s tunes from Pecesor /Poljanica, Serbia) 5:38
7. Dance music from Erdőszombattelke/ Sămboieni, Romania (ritka magyar, csárdás, sűrű csárdás) 7:31
8. Gójáké - tambura music from Firigyház/Filić, Serbia as played by the Gója family 3:08
9. Jókedvemben (Couple dances from Hungary’s Hajdúság region) 5:52
10. A miénk (dance music from Óbecse/Bečej, Serbia) 5:39

Total time: 55:52

Keszég Ákos – violin
Szabó András – violin, bassprím tambura
Cseszák Zsombor – violin
Csonka Balázs – accordion, prim tambura
Szerda Balázs – viola, tambura kontra
Jovánovity Péter – double bass

Ölveczky Tamás (clarinet)
Zimber Ferenc (cymbalom)
Csizmadia Anna, Szabó Annamária, Szerda Ákos (voice)

Special thanks to Salamon Beáta for her generous professional assistance!

Recorded in Budapest at Fonó Music Hall, 2017. Recording engineers: Kopcsik Márton, Walczer Dávid. Mixing: Kopcsik Márton (Bresaola Stúdió, Budapest). Photo: Budimlić Ármin. Graphics: Barcsik Géza

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