Dresch Vonós Quartet: Forrásból
Mihály Dresch is an essential figure on the Hungarian and international music scene. On his new recording, he presents a new band and a new sound. A few years ago in addition to his jazz quartet, he formed the Dresch String Quartet with members of the younger generation of Hungarian folk musicians. Here Dresch’s characteristic ethno jazz is present, as well as traditional village folk music. In this meeting, a new quality of music brings together and nourishes improvisation and the musical roots of the Carpathian Basin. On the new record, Dresch and his musical partners continuously change and stretch the borders of both jazz and folk music.
DRESCH Mihály - tenor sax, fuhun, flute, voice
BRASNYÓ Antal - viola
CSOÓRI Sándor Sündi - viola, Bulgarian tambura
BOGNÁR András - double bass
SZABÓ Dániel - cymbalom (2, 5, 7)
LŐRINCZ Hortenzia - voice (5, 10)
1. Legényes 3.55
2. Öreges 7.06
3. Sárgarigó 4.50
4. Ha felmegyek 3.31
5. Moldvai 6.56
6. Le az utcán 5.36
7. Maros partján 6.09
8. Becei zene 4.09
9. Karácsony Lázár héjszája 4.11
10. Zsoltár 3.06
Recorded in Budapest at Fonó Music Hall (Kultúrpart Studio), in 2017.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Kopcsik Márton - Bresaola Studios, Budapest
Produced by: Horváth László
Photo: Révész Róbert, Cover: Kiss Dóra, Pre-printing: Szilasi Marianne