FA 402-2
Fonó, 2017
Bar code: 5998048540228
2500Ft (7 EUR)

"[Csizmadia Anna] is pure song. Song flows from her as naturally as water flows from the spring into a mountain stream...Her ringing voice is like no other. Her presence, authentic performance style and humility are exemplary.” (Maczkó Mária - from the record cover)

Anna became known in 2012 when she won the solo singing and instrumental music category at the Páva folk music talent competition televised on national Hungarian TV. Born and raised in the village of Kupusina, in Northern Serbia – Voivodina – Anna grew up singing alongside her mother. As a child she already experienced the joy of singing together. She believes in the importance of the roots which nourish a person throughout life. The path that influences Anna is the power of her roots. After finishing the program at Szabadka/ Subotica Music School, in 2011 she auditioned and was accepted as a folk singing student at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in Budapest. She completed her studies there in 2016. Anna believes in the importance of the archaic expression of the folk songs we inherit from our ancestors, that teach and form us today, give us joy, console and comfort us. In 2014 she won a Junior Prima award and Voivodina’s award for Hungarian Art. Anna’s goal is to pass on the heritage of her ancestors to as many as possible.

“The musicians and I started studio work in the summer of 2017. This is a recording of authentic Hungarian folk music mainly from my native region, but also includes traditional music of the Somogy region, my favorite songs from Palóc and soul wrenching laments from the Gyimes people. I was fortunate to able to sing with wonderful musicians like Fokos Band, Brasnyó Antal, Balogh Kálmán, Juhász Zoltán, and last but definitely not least, my mother.”

1. „Rëgge vän härmät...” (Kupuszina folk songs) 6.13
2. „Elmönt az én rózsám...” (Somogy folk songs) 3.41
3. Gombosi népdalok (Gombos folk songs) 4.28
4. „Erdo, erdo...” (Moholi prisoner’s song) 5.44
5. „Mädárkä, mädárkä...” (in memory of Pál Pista) 6.25
6. „Idegen földre ne siess...” (Gyimes lament) 5.55
7. Rimóci népdalok (Rimóc folk songs) 5.32
8. Bátyámnak (for my brother) 6.29
9. Tisza-menti népdalok (folk songs from the Tizsa River region) 4.32
10. „Ë mäi näpon...” (On this day…) 4.47

Közreműködnek / with:
Balogh Kálmán - cimbalom/cymbalom (7)
Brasnyó Antal - brácsa/viola, citera/zither (4, 8)
id. Csizmadia Anna - ének/voice (10)
Cseszák Zsombor - hegedu/violin, ének/voice (1, 9)
Csonka Balázs - prímtambura, ének/voice (1, 3, 9)
Szabó András - basszprímtambura, ének/voice (1, 3, 9)
Szerda Balázs - tamburakontra, ének/voice (1, 3, 9)
Jovánovity Péter - bogo/double bass, ének/voice (1, 3, 9)
Juhász Zoltán - furulya/wooden flute (2, 5)

Felvételek/recorded at: a Fonó Budai Zeneházban (Kultúrpart Stúdióban) és a Miracle Sound Stúdióban
készültek 2017-ben. Hangmérnök: Kopcsik Márton (Bresaola Stúdió-Budapest)
Producer: Horváth László Fotó: Révész Róbert
Borítóterv: Kiss Dóra Nyomdai elokészítés: Szilasi Marianne

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