Csángálló: Fel az úton
Csángálló was formed in 2009 by young musicians brought together by the common love of folk music, the joy of playing music together, and friendship. "This album shows our musical universe; the way we think about folk music, improvisation, composing."
"We firmly believe that music is the common language between people. We also believe that in this accelerated life we lead, everyone still needs music, dance and celebration. And we are all in need of rejuvenation that elevates the soul and spirit alike."
Csángálló is a family of five souls, always accompanied by the festive sound of music and gaiety. In their music, the musical world of the Gyimes and Moldavian Csángó people meets the folk music of the Balkans, extended by free thinking, improvisation, composition and singing. This all adds up to a whole new sound and a kind of psychedelic experience made of powerful, soulfully accompanied melodies. Their performance is a virtuoso party, conscious of the origins of their music.
Their collective dream started in 2009, and now they are well-known on the Hungarian folk and world music scene. They perform regularly in the Budapest táncházes, clubs, summer festivals. They have also performed abroad. They have worked together with internationally recognized artists such as Tcha Limberger, and Félix Lajkó with whom they opened the 2016 O.Z.O.R.A Festival, where they played for more than 20 000 people. They believe that music is a universal language which heals, uplifts and lets us fly on the wings of our imagination, so we can return to the roots which feed us; and so the leaves that grow from the branches can dance freely in the light.
1. Viking Vándor 6:18
2. Elindultak a cigányok a bálba... 5:48
3. Hora Swing 3:58
4. Szultán 3:43
5. Kocsma az út szélén 5:31
6. Lalaru Revolúció 6:40
7. Mennek a magyarok kaszálni 4:41
8. Füstös 4:09
9. Goa 6:47
Össz idő: 47:39
Sára Csobán – szaxofon/saxophone (1-9), kaval (9)
Bagi Bálint – tárogató (1-9), kaval, furulya/wooden flute (9)
Gárgyán Zoltán – klárinet/clarinet (1-9), doromb/Jew’s harp, sikolyok/yells (9)
Johannes Olsson – harmonica/accordion (1-9)
Bősze Tamás – ütős hangszerek/percussion (1-9), ének/voice (2, 7), koboz (9)
Regular guests:
Szabó Csobán Gergő – nagybőgő/double bass (1-3, 5, 9)
Zimber Ferenc – cimbalom (1-3, 6, 9)
Balogh Melinda – ének/voice (5)
Kaszai Lili – ének/voice (5)
Horváth Sári – ének/voice (5)
A felvételek a Zengőkertben készültek 2015-2016-ban. A lemezt kiadja a Fonó. Recording, mix: Bánházi Gábor, Grafika, design: Vitáris Gábor, Andy Wang