Szabó Dániel: PÁZSINT
“The music for this disc has been forming in me for many years. As a student in Székesfehérvár I became captivated by the music of Transylvania’s Szekelyföld region, my experiences at folk dance and music camps in Vajdaszentivány/Voivodeni (Romania) and meeting the local traditional musicians there – all this encouraged me to explore this unique world of music more deeply later on during my years at the Hungarian Academy of Music and through an MMA scholarship. The first generation of great Hungarian folk music researchers: Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, László Lajtha and their contemporaries collected almost exclusively in Székelyföld at the beginning of the 20th century. Their study of the archaic melodies from there proved to be a milestone in the field of ethnomusicology and contributed greatly to the reform of Hungarian music. However, I believe that over the years of the dance house movement Székely folk music has fallen into the background. It is my intention to reveal the diversity of the music of Transylvania’s Székelyföld, and together with my excellent fellow musicians we would like to present it to the music-loving audience in an authentic form." (Szabó, Dániel)
1. Emlék Szentiványról (Felső-Maros mente) 8’41”
2. Verbunk variációk (Felső-Maros mente) 7’40”
3. Paradica (Sóvidék – Nyárád mente) 11’08”
4. Csíki lokál (Felcsík) 7’45”
5. Zöldkeserves és marosszéki (Udvarhelyszék) 5’23”
6. Álomvíz martján (Gyergyó) 5’44”
7. Egy pár tánc Mezőbándról (Marosszéki Mezőség) 12’01”
8. Gyergyói muzsika Dsupin Pál emlékére 10’35”
Összesen: 68’57”
Szabó, Dániel – cymbalom (1-4, 6-8), voice (4, 8)
Kacsó, Hanga Borbála – voice (3, 7, 8)
Paár, Julianna – voice (1, 5, 6, 8)
András, Orsolya – hit cello(4, 8)
Mihó, Attila – violin (1, 2, 4, 7)
Nyitrai, Tamás – violin (1-3, 7)
Takács, Ádám – violin (2, 7), violin-viola (4, 7), whistling (4)
Bede, Péter – tarogato (3), saxophone (5)
Salamon, Soma – accordion (2, 3, 5)
Papp, Endre – three stringed viola (1, 2, 7)
Bognár, András – double bass (1-3, 7)