Cimbaliband: Balkán Projekt
Balkan Projekt is the latest full night concert – and album - from Cimbaliband carrying the typical habits and the mentality from the Balkans. It is the everlasting positive approach that fuels the motor of the band during this exceptional performance.
Balazs Unger, bandleader has been touring the Balkans for years to collect music from the local musicians. Today he is delighted to translate it to a 21st century language that we all speak. As he reports: “Folk music is – surprisingly – a popular genre in the Balkans. It has transformed, but still it plays a key role in people’s everydays.” Cimbaliband decided that they want to participate in this Balkan party. A fast-paced kolo from the Serbian neighbors, some geampara from South-Romania or a Macedonian tune in 11/8 rhythm should not be a problem – and they added some Hungarian flavor on top. The audience is witnessing how a Hungarian band based close to the borders are demolishing the – cultural – borders. A full night experience with a lot of emotions and virtuosity!
1. Vágy
2. Bordúdolós
3. Velencei álom
4. Ciganskolo
5. Temelia
6. Oppadirida
7. Dragoi
8. Fenn a csillag
9. Bákói fanfár
10. Balkánia
11. Oriental Mahala
Unger Balázs - cimbalom, ének
Unger Gergő - gitár, koboz, ének,
Solymosi Máté - hegedű, kontra
Tóth Gergely - nagybőgő, basszusgitár
Babos Lőrinc - dobok, derbuka
Danics Dóra - ének
Bede Péter - szaxofon
Barity Zorán - harmonika
Kovács Ferenc -trombita
A felvételek 2018 januárjában készültek a gödölloi Muvészetek Házában. A hangfelvételhez
kizárólag Audio Technica mikrofonokat használtunk! Hangmérnök: Mazán Attila
Producer: Horváth László Borítóterv: Unger Balázs Nyomdai elokészítés: Kiss Dóra, Szilasi Marianne
Fotó: Uray-Lukács Ildikó, Bornyi Márton Kontakt