Bar code: 5998048527922
Total time: 65:19
2500Ft (7 EUR)

Mihály Dresch and Miklós Lukács have been playing together in the Dresch Quartet for 10 years, but in the last two years they have begun playing also as a duo. You can now enjoy the music they make together in the duo - not only in concert, but also on this recording.

Both arrangements and their own compositions can be heard on the record. The older compositions played now in duet find new directions, musical approaches and content.

Mihály Dresch- saxophone, flute, fuhun

Miklós Lukács - cymbalom

1. Trió 7:21 (Dresch M. - Lukács M.) 2. Kettős 2:38 (Dresch M. - Lukács M.) 3. Esteledő  7:24 (Lukács M.) 4. Héjsza 4:34 (Dresch M. - Lukács M.) 5. Hazafelé 8:10 (Dresch M.) 6. Prána  4:48 (Dresch M.) 7. Labirintus 10:11 (Lukács M.) 8. Megvertek engem 9:02 (Dresch M.) 9. Bánat, bánat 6:53 (Dresch M.) 10. Futás Miska 4:01 (Dresch M.)

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