Dalinda: Átjárók (Passageways/Passages/ Crossroads)
They strive to bring the authentic spirit and instinctive singing style of folk song to the stage in a modern polyphonic form through sensitively arranged reinterpretations. Their songs speak to all of us. Folk songs are our purest source of self-expression; they are carriers of the thoughts and emotions that motivate everyone.
Dalinda played a live showcase concert at 2020 WOMEX - Budapest, which was orginized online. Their concert at Müpa Budapest was streamed worldwide and followed by a prestigous professional audience. They are regular guests at Fonó and other clubs and festivals as well.
1. Új esztendő/New Year 02:43
2. Virág, virág /Flower, flower 02:54
3. Megfoglak!/ I’ll catch you! 02:36
4. Búbánat / Sorrow 04:01
5. Keserves/Lament 02:31
6. Mikor szabdulok /When I’m free 04:22
7. Voltam, leszek / I was, I will be 02:55
8. Álom, álom /Dream, dream 02:52
9. Tropic 01:58
10. Motolla/Reel 04:04
11. Komámasszony!/ Dear friend! 03:52
12. Tapsos székely /Clapping Székely 02:41
Members of Dalinda: Fanni Nádasdy, Julianna Paár, Sára Tímár
Hit cello: Lehel Hargitai-Halászi
Recorded by György Mohai in Pannónia Stúdio, Budapest. Editing and mastering by Péter Glaser
Graphics: Dóra Kiss
Layout: Marianne Szilasi
Producer: László Horváth
© 2020 Fonó