Total time: 77,54
2500Ft (7 EUR)

Those joyful moments, the true attention and affection on the part of our audience at the concerts or in unexpected situations deserve returning these feelings. It is, however, not easy to meet the expectations of both those fans who have followed our acitvity with interest for a long time, and those who look forward to our music, though they meet our songs for the first time. In the end they should all have the experience of beautiful music typical of the band.

On this disc authentic Hungarian folk music sighs along with the love dreams of the poems of Gyula Juhász, pulses together with the rhythms and melodies of Hungarian alternative rock, and merges with both the symphonic piece of a contemporary composer, and Beethoven's Moonlight sonata.
I hope that happy and silently unhappy souls, who live with us, can find caressing in our music, which we invested into it whole-heartedly.

Zsolt Barcza – hungarian cimbalom, accordeon
József Bartók – double bass
János Csík – fiddle, voice
Tamás Kunos – viola, drum
Marianna Majorosi – voice
Péter Makó – saxophone, tárogató, clarinet
Attila Szabó – fiddle, guitar, voice

György Ferenczi and the Rackajam
Vivace Chamber Orchestra
Áron Őze – recital
Tibor Kiss – voice
András Lovasi – voice
István „Szalonna” Pál - fiddle

1. Juhmérés Mérában
2. „Ne bánkódjék senki köztünk…”
3. Adagio
4. A széki hobo
a, Minek nékem a nagy kőház?
b, Közép-európai hobo blues II.
5. Silladri
6. Fehér galamb
7. Fekete l'amoure
8. Szerelmesnek nehéz lenni
9. Földtörténet
10. Tébolyda
11. Szívrablás
12. A nagy utcán
13. Suite

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