Csík Zenekar: If The Train Has Started, Let It Run...
"It is difficult to compile a new record that meets the expectations of music lovers following our previous album (awarded "The Wold Music Record of the Year' in 2007 in Hungary), which was so successful both among folk musicians and fans. We have tried to do our best, and we hope the variety of the tunes will be appreciated by the listener.
Many people wonder and discuss what kind of music has future in our ever accelerating and hectic lives. I think we all share those basic human feelings, trusths that can be discovered in folk music. So, if we play this music truthfully, independent of their age, lovers of all music genres will find it enjoyable.
Bands try to bring joy to music lovers in various ways and genres. I think in our constantly changing world, if we strive for the best quality, we can preserve the true values of old times, and delight our listeners, who are exposed to so many kinds of music theese days.
I hope as you listen to this music your heart will be lifted up as was minde when I played." - János Csík, band leader
Zsolt Barcza junior - hungarian cimbalom, accordion, voice
József Bartók - double bass, hit gardon, voice
János Csík - fiddle, voice
Tamás Kunos - viola, voice
Marianna Majorosi - voice
Péter Makó - saxophone, clarinet
Attila Szabó - fiddle, guitar, voice
Mátyás Bolya - oriental fretted lute
Attila Csurai - first tambur
Mihály Dresch - saxophone, voice
András Lovasi - voice (bonus track)
István 'Szalonna' Pál - fiddle
János Szabó - alt tambur
1. Az árgyélus kismadár... / The little bird that flies from branch to branch...
2. Madárka, madárka... / Little bird, little bird...
3. Kalocsai katonadal, csárdás, friss és mars / Soldier's song, csárdás, fast dance and march from Kalocsa
4. Gyimesi héjsza szívből, bár egy kicsit gátlástalanul / Héjsza from Gyimes whole-hearted, and somewhat unrestrained
5. Ez a vonat, ha elindult, hadd menjen... / If the train has started, let it run...
6. Vas megyei népdal, régi lakodalmi csárdás Szombathelyről / Folk song from Vas county, old wedding csárdás from Szombathely
7. Most múlik pontosan / It is just going by
8. Csillag vagy fecske / Star or swallow
9. Bánat, bánat / Sorrow, sorrow
10. Magyarpéterlaki asztali nóta, forduló és cigánycsárdás / Table song, turning couple dance and gypsy csárdás from Magyarpéterlaka
11. Szórakoztató pásztordal mulatozáskor / Shepherd's drinking song
12. Kiskunhalasi hallgató csárdás és friss / Music to listen to, slow and fast csárdás from Kiskunhalas
Bonus track (With András Lovasi - mp3 format)