CimbaliBand: Live@Fonó
After four years and more than two hundred performances, Balázs Unger and CimbaliBand have taken the trans-Balkan express to even newer destinations.
This is their third record. Balkan snippets, rolling cymbalom riffs, and fine chamber music - classical music alchemy mixed with dusty zest for life.
Balázs Unger - cymbalom, viola, vocal
Szlobodán Wertetics - accordion, vocal
Eszter Szita - vocal
Gellért Boda - viola, violin
Gergő Unger - guitar, vocal
Krisztián Rodek - tambura, derbuka, vocal
Péter Pataj - double bass
Arco di Capriccioso
László Ürmös - viola
Zoltán Jónás - viola
József Pénzes József - cello
Sándor Budai - double bass
1. Temelia
2. Libabőr / Creeps
3. Doiul din Banat / Songs from Banat
4. Dúdolós / Humming song
5. Velencei álom / Venezian dream
6. Oppadirida
7. Oriental Mahala / Eastern Suburb
8. Bánat / Sorrow
9. Ez a világ / This world
10. Szerb tánc / Serbian dance
11 Megyek az úton / I walk on the road