Bar code: 5998048526925
Total time: 50,43
2500Ft (7 EUR)

"With establishment of the Balkan Jazz Project an old dream of mine came true - as I've always felt that the energies of the Carpathian Basin, the Balkans and jazz could easily be gathered into one focus. It has been a great pleasure to have the chance to meet a specially inspiring musician and a gorgeous soul in the person of Theodosii Spassov, Blagodarja Theodosii!" - Mihály Borbély

Mihály Borbély - sax, clarinet, tárogató, flutes

Mihály György - guitar, bouzouki

Miklós Lukács - cimbalom

Agatics Krunoszláv - accordeon

Balázs Horváth - double bass

Hunor G. Szabó - drum, percussion


Teodosii Spassov - kaval

1. Cigánykaraván / Gipsy Caravan

2. Open Mood

3. 7vége / Weekend

4. Sirba in E

5. My Bulgarian Sky

6. Balkán karaván / Balkan Caravan

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