Total time: 67’27”
2000Ft (6 EUR)

The village has its own story: Long ago giants lived in Bálványos castle. They were so big that when they ran out of corn meal, it only took three steps for the girl giant to get to the store in Szamosújvár. One evening a child giant came home with big news, “Look what I found at the foot of the hill, father!”

He reached into his bag and pulled out two little oxen, a little plow and a little person and put them on the table. As soon as he put them down, the little person harnessed up and began plowing on the table. The father giant said “Son, take those back to where you found them.

From today on, they will be the masters of the village. And so, the plowing, sowing, shepherding people proliferated nicely in the village”. The giants, on the other hand, disappeared; but everyone knows that till this day they still live there amongst the castle ruins.

We do not know whether or not the giants played the flute, but we know that they liked the sound of it, or they would have left Bálványos castle long ago. This village is known in the area for its good flute players. Two wonderful flute players from there play on this record: György Copán and András Molnár.

1. a. Kilenc tinót hajtottam a vásárra
b. Kettős (Most jöttem Gyuláról) (Slow csárdás) 5’45”
2. a. A csobán nótája (1) (The shepherd lost his sheep)
b. Megdöglött a bíró lova 6’45”
3. a. Mikor mentem Kolozsvárra
b. Kettős (Slow csárdás) 7’08”
4. a. A csobán nótája (2) (The shepherd lost his sheep)
b. Kettős (Slow csárdás) 4’29”
5. a. Ha megindul az a vonat
b. Nincsen piros rózsa 6’23”
6. a. Elvágtam az ujjam, de nem fáj
b. Kukorica málészár 3’22”
7. a. Édesanyám mondta nékem
b. Lapi, lapi 2’26”
8. a. Anyám, anyám
b. Októbernek, októbernek elején
c. Kettős (Slow csárdás) 6’05”
9. a. A harctéren megfújják a trombitát
b. Már minálunk… 3’08”
10. a. A csobán nótája (3) (The shepherd lost his sheep)
b. Magyar tánc (Men’s dance) 3’42”
11. a. Kiskertemben jártam
b. Fehér fuszulykavirág
c. Ej, mikor mentem 6’10”
12. a. Sarjút eszik az ökröm
b. Egyes (Fast csárdás) 2’50”
13. a. Túl a vízen
b. Udvaromon hármat fordult a kocsi 6’16”
14. a. Piros alma leesett a sárba
b. Egyes (Fast csárdás) 2’24”

Összidő (Total time) 67’27”

Válogatta / Selected by: JUHÁSZ Zoltán


COPÁN György (1935, Bálványosváralja) – furulya, ének / flute, voice
MOLNÁR András (1944, Bálványosváralja) – furulya / flute
SZABÓ Gy. Ilona (1944, Bálványosváralja) – ének / voice