Two great jazz trios in one evening: The Horvát Gábor "Tojás" Trio and Gáspár Károly Trio perform in one concert for the first time
This is a rare opportunity to hear two great jazz trios in one evening - with one ticket. On February 24th, Gáspár Károly Trio will perform in the first half of the concert, followed by Horváth Gábor "Tojás" Trio in the second half. Gáspár Károly Trio will play jazz standards in their typical style. Horváth Gábor "Tojás"’s trio arrives with original compositions. Don’t miss this pleasant double jazz concert evening!
"For this concert, we will perform jazz standards in our own image and style. We think it is important to respect mainstream jazz, but we like to weave in the spirit of the time and our own style into our performance. So, we adapt these eternal melodies for the present." - says jazz pianist Gáspár Károly
The two bands maintain a friendly relationship, and Horváth Balázs will play bass with both trios this evening. Bágyi Balázs plays drums with the Gáspár Károly Trio. Gálfi Attila will play drums with Gábor Horváth "Tojás"’s trio.
Gáspár Károly Trió: from “Emily, a Philosophy”
The record release concert for Horváth Gábor "Tojás" Trio’s latest album was held at the Fonó. The band will present material from that record, but since they are already working on the next album, we’ll also get a preview of their new material.
"We will play our own compositions, some from our latest record TRICKS – and also some new material to be released on our next album. It’s always good to test new material in front of an audience." - said jazz pianist Horváth Gábor "Tojás"
Horváth Gábor „Tojás”: Circles
More about the concert and tickets here»» https://www.fono.hu/hu/programok/2023/horvat-tojas-gabor-trio-gaspar-karoly-trio/