But what’s a podcast? “A podcast is sound material that is published online: radio-like content that can be accessed online after it has been uploaded.” (CVShark)

Fonó Podcast can be accessed on the Fonó Soundcloud channel and on Spotify. We also make it available on our website.

During this time of the necessary break from live concerts, since November 2020 the Fonó has been producing concerts, teaching and other events ONLINE. During pauses in the filming sessions we ask the musicians to talk about what they think of the performance, what circumstances have brought it about, and so on. We document these conversations in a podcast format and then publish them. The Fonó’s artistic director, Berecz István is often the interviewing host, but other Fonó colleagues also take this role.

FolkEmbassy Band’s conversation/music evenings have also recently been released in this podcast format.

All Fonó podcasts are in Hungarian, so far.

All Fonó Podcasts can be found here:
Az összes Fonó Podcastot összegyűjtve itt találjátok! >>