A full week of discussions on current issues facing the Hungarian music industry on Podcast Mini concerts each evening Sunday: Fonó25 awards event

In this period of pandemic restrictions, conversation, paying attention to one another, listening to other points of view and mutual support are important!
This is what Fonó Selection 2021 is all about!

Starting Monday Feb 22nd, every morning at 8am there will podcasts (in Hungarian!) with participants from the Hungarian music industry.
Every evening at 8pm there will be a mini concert streamed live on the Fonó online channels.

Mini concerts with:
Dresch Mihály and Tóth Viktor, Bede Péter and Unger Balázs, Kacsó Hanga and Szabó Dániel, Szokolay Dongó Balázs and Fábri Géza, Varga Veronika and Réti Benedek, ifj Szerényi Béla and Fekete Márton.
The week concludes with the Fonó25 awards event congratulating winners from 11 categories all chosen by popular vote of the Fonó public and community

All Fonó Selection events are free and will be available on the Fonó’ Youtube and facebook channels.

Summary of events here: ezen a linken

Fonó Selection preview video can be seen here: ezen a linken

Join us for the entire week!