Fonó releases 5 new records for the National Táncház Festival and Market: March 27, 28, 29 - Budapest

On the occasion of the 34 th National Dance House Festival and Market - Fonó releases five new records! The Góbé Band’s new record “Ez van!” was released last week. The other four new CDs will be available first at the festival!

Góbé zenekar: Ez van! / Góbé Band

Parasztünnep c. lemez [Peasant celebration]

Korpás Éva: A pozsonyi sétatéren – népzene gyerekeknek [On the Bratislava promenade – folk music for children]

Fodor Sándor “Neti” Jr. - Kalotaszeg traditional music (Transylvania)

Fokos zenekar: Kiskoromtól nagykoromig [Fokos Band: From childhood to adulthood]

Find the new records in our webshop, HERE!