Record release concert: Gubinecz Ákos - Hungarian men’s songs
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Gubinecz Ákos
Határtalan férfiének
[Hungarian men’s song without borders]
Record release concert
Gubinecz Ákos' “ Határtalan férfiének ” [Hungarian men’s song without borders] may form a bridge for Hungarians scattered the world over. The record will be presented in every county in Hungary, in educational institutions, to Hungarians living outside of Hungary’s borders and to Hungarians living all over the world.
All of the arrangements found on the record are from outside of Hungary’s present borders. When choosing the songs for the record, singer Gubinecz Ákos strived for presentation of repertoire of men folk singers (both known and lesser known) from the Carpathian Basin with examples of genres that best illustrate the Hungarian man’s fate. Borders that were created as a result of the Trianon Treaty in the 1920s and the Second Vienna Award of 1940 impeded Hungarian speakers from meeting one another. Now in the 21st century it is possible for Hungarian language speakers to express their solidarity both in person and on digital platforms.
Two records were necessary because of the quantity of material. The first record contains material from the Southern and Southeastern Carpathian Basin. Most of the arrangements on the records are performed by musicians from the given region.
Tickets: 1000 Ft
Tickets are also valid for entry to the Berka-Erdőfű dance houses - admission only with valid COVID health certification