ONLINE! Sarjú Band / Zagyva Band Double Concert
Upcoming events
A taste of what the successful teen’s dancehouse hosting band can do! Hungary got to know Sarjú Band from the 2016 Kids PÁVA televised folk talent contest and by now they are already becoming experienced performers. This group of young musicians is dedicated to the traditional sound and authentic Hungarian village folk music.
Hajdu-Németh, László, jr. – violin
Hajdu-Németh, Balázs – violin
Szilágyi, Szabolcs – viola
Horváth, Áron – cymbalom
Csoóri, Bendegúz –double bass
Gál, Tibor - voice
Artistic director: Kuczera, Barbara
Zagyva Band is a prominent band from the younger generation of Budapest dancehouse folk musicians. In the fifteen years since they formed they have become a band with a nicely unified sound, powered by youthful energy and fresh musical thinking. On top of that, they are firm believers in the community forming strength of folk culture.
Boda, Gellért – violin
Rónai, Zoltán – violin, cymbalom
Szabó, András – voila
Boda, Márton – double bass
Kádár, Ignác – accordion, voice
The concert will be
streamed live and free
on the Fonó’s facebook page.
This event is sponsored by the Hungarian Heritage House.