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Fonó Spring
Babcsán Bence - Varga Kornél

The Fonó Spring concert series presents interesting fusions in mini concerts on Wednesdays and Saturdays

Though Babcsán Bence and Varga Kornél play together in bands such as Zűrös Banda and Babcsán Projekt, this duo formation is unusual. Their concert will provide a taste their own arrangements and compositions that draw from Romanian and Serbian dance music, and Macedonian and Irish folk music. Bence also plays in Babra, Bahorka and Fanfara Compexa bands. Kornél plays also in Fianna, Mókus, Fabula Rasa, Cimbaliband and Borinka.

Babcsán, Bence – alto saxophone, flute
Varga, Kornél – guitar

View the event on the Fonó’s facebook page: ide kattintva >>

where it will be available on the day of the concert from 7:30pm until midnight local time.