Upcoming events

Fonó Selection 2021
Day 6
2021.02.27. Saturday

08:00 Podcast: International success of record “Balkantransz”

In Hungarian

Poklade Band was formed in 2010 by 6 young musicians. Their repertoire presents melodies and rhythms of the Balkan peoples, which they form and adapt according to their own taste. Their 2020 recording “Balkántransz” released by the Fonó, has been internationally successful. The Fonó’s music director asks some Poklade musicians about making the recording and its success.

Leader: Berecz, István - music director Fonó Music Hall

Guests: Poklade Band’s guest musicians: Gráf, Vivien and Babcsán, Bence

Available online from the actual time of broadcast on Fonó Budai Zeneház Soundcloud , and Spotify .


20:00 Concert: Szokolay 'Dongó' Balázs – Fábri Géza duo
The Szokolay ’Dongó’ Balázs and Fábri Géza duo is not a new formation. They met in Voivodina at the beginning of the 1990s and it immediately became clear that they were going to play old style folk music together. Their concert presents Fábri Géza’s arrangements of Moldavian Csángó melodies with Dongó’s improvisations.

Szokolay, ’Dongó’ Balázs – winds
Fábri, Géza – coboz, voice

Available at the actual performance time on the Fonó facebook channel. Link here: