Upcoming events

Fonó Selection 2021
Day 5
2021.02.26. Friday

08:00 Fonó Podcast: Cultural and music journalism before and during the pandemic
In Hungarian

Leader: Hegedűs, Anna, Fonó Music Hall media director

Dr. Fehér, Anikó – conductor, folk music researcher (MMA-MMKI)
Juhász, Kristóf – writer, journalist (Magyar Nemzet – culture department)
Küttel, Dávid – musician, producer, founding director: Kultúrpart
Várhegyi, András – Fidelio: chief editor

Available online from the actual time of broadcast on Fonó Budai Zeneház Soundcloud , and Spotify .


20:00 Concert: Dresch Mihály – Tóth Viktor duo

Dresch Mihály is a musician on his own special path, he is at home in folk music, jazz and contemporary music. Tóth Viktor is a musician always looking for new directions. He  is full of surprises always taking on risks, while also respecting traditions. Their records have earned them a place in contemporary Hungarian music history. Year, after year it is impossible to become bored of hearing them. A meeting of two contemporary wind geniuses in one mini concert.

Dresch, Mihály – winds
Tóth, Viktor – saxophone

Available at the actual performance time on the Fonó facebook channel. Link here>>>